a world without you is like... - z.k

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you & zion bicker constantly. it's had its moments where it's gotten somewhat heated. but. let's just say.. zion can get carried away.

you sighed "zion. let me go. i have to get to basketball practice"
zion shakes his head "no. i'm not having you leave. especially when you might not even come back.."
you sighed "z. please. just. drop it okay. it was a stupid argument"
zion nods "yes exactly! i was stupid. now. come here" he opens his arms

*throwback 2 hours ago*
"brandon imma text ruby and see if she wants to come over! so i'll need the living room with the sofa so we can have some time alone!" zion smiled. it wasn't a normal zion smile. it was a zion's up to something smile. which. had you all funny.
you nod "well i gotta go. have fun with ruby"
zion jumps in front of you "woah woah woaaaah. where ya goin?"
you sighed "away from what ever this is between you and ruby. gotta let y'all have some time together alone"
zion sighed "babe."
somehow. zion convinces you to stay back a few hours. but once that was over and you saw zion around ruby... you just couldn't handle it. especially seeing her all lovey over him.


you sighed as you walk to zion and press his arms down "you can do whatever you want. i gotta go"
you head to basketball practice. let's just say.. so much shit was going through your mind that it hella threw ya game off. then. zion shows up.

zion sees you in the bench and rushes to you "y/n!"
you sighed as you had ice on your ankle and looked up at zion "what? can't you see that i don't have time for this"
some smart ass supporter in the crowd supporting the other team smiled "technically you do.. you are benched with an injury so"
you sighed "fine. what?"
you look at zion. zion smiled "i need to talk to you. just us. not around the smart asses behind you" he looked at the person who made the comment.
the coach nodded. and zion helped you to behind the door.
you sighed "i fucked up tonight because of you, in my game z. i can't help but think about what i did wrong to have you invite some chick over to have 'alone time' with.. and my mind is such a mess, i miss calculated the block and fell. one ankle didn't handle it. i just"
zion cut you off " i get it. i shouldn't have invited her over. but i just. it's a world without you is like.."
you sighed "like what? you better have a good excuse here.."
"like. it's like. a world without you is a world without living. it. it wouldn't be the same without you. i would enjoy dance and music as much as i do when you're there, i wouldn't see the fun in it. i wouldn't. i wouldn't be here without you." he continued
you nod "fine. promise me this won't happen again?" zion smirked "the ankle? nah that's on you. no promises there"
you smiled and smacked zion's shoulder "
zion smiled "now she's back" he kisses your forehead as he pulled you into a hug
you smiled softly. it took a lot to forgive it. but. you love zion. although it still isn't completely clear as to why he invited her, you just ignore it. she is out of the picture and now that you have him back.. that's all that matters to you.


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