its okay, baby. i've got you. - b.a

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brandon is your best friend but y'all have been pretty distant lately since he joined prettymuch and you got an boyfriend. b was extremely jealous, but didn't mention it because the boys wanted him to just focus on his music, so he left it. but little did he know. a moment is about to happen.

a text conversation between you and your boyfriend blake;

blake⚡️; babe. come over. we needa talk.

you; okay. i'll be there in 10

not exactly sure what's about to happen, you pick up your phone, wallet and head over to blake's place

when you get there you sighed and knocked on the door, extremely nervous as to what was about to happen

blake looks at you as he answers the door "sit down."

you sigh "blake... what's happening..."

blake shrugs "i kinda. i ah"

this girl walks downstairs pretty much just in her underwear and smirks at blake

you sighed "ah so this is it huh? this is what the problem is?"

blake sighed "it's not. it's not what it looks like!!"

you let a tear fall down and then walk out "sorry i got in y'all way. i'll let it be."

you hop into your car and burst into tears. you pick up your phone and look at brandon's contact " lè b🐝" then you decide to text him. you open his contact

you; hey b.. you around? i ah.
i need. yeah."

lè b🐝; you okay? something seems odd.
what's up?

you; i'll tell you when i get home.
i'll be there in 15.

you knock on the door of the PRETTYMUCH house and then walk inside and find b sitting on the sofa playing video games with austin.

you walk right past nick and zion who were cooking in the kitchen and walk straight to brandon.

you sighed "it's blake. he texted me and asked me to come over, then when i got there he was gonna tell me something then this blonde chick walked down the stairs in just her underwear"

edwin smirks "was she hot?"

you flick your head around and look at edwin, who by now had all the boys watching him

"not the time ed" zion looks at edwin

brandon picks up your hands "what happened?"

you sighed "he was cheating on me with her and he didn't even have to say the words. i could tell on his eyes and how she was looking at him" you let a tear fall down.

brandon pulls you straight into a hug, looks over your shoulder as y'all are hugging and he signals the boys upstairs

you then hug brandon tightly "but i just. i was with him since i was a freshman. i just don't see how he can cheat on me like that and how long was he doing it before i even knew about it..." you felt your tears full right onto brandon's shirt

brandon pulls away slowly, wipes yours tears and looks at you directly in the eyes, "it's okay. baby. i've got you."

you nod and hug brandon again. you didn't want to let go of him. you knew you were safe. it was like blake didn't even exist for that two minutes.

brandon then hands you the controller " means let your anger out for blake on fortnite?"

you nod and smile slightly "definitely"

the other boys all ran down and joined y'all on the sofa. y'all played fortnite all night, being the team to beat. you felt like things were gonna look up. like it was gonna be all okay.

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