sunset photoshoot - b.a

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you and brandon have spent the day out together, just the two of y'all which. is everything to you & well very rare. considering your dad is an asshole to literally any guy you like. doesn't help that you're both neighbours.

you both are wondering around your neighbourhood when brandon comes across a playground.
you both goof around playing on it for a good two hours before the sun starts to set

you look at brandon "b, it's getting late. we should get back"
brandon smiled "no no. stay. we have time"
you smiled "fine"
after a good 30 more minutes of playing you gave in "seriously b. you know what my dad is like"
brandon nods "i know buuut"
you look at brandon "if you get me in trouble imma beat yo ass"
brandon smiled "sunset photo shoot! pleaseeee"
you nod "fine. but as i said. if you get me in trouble imma beat yo ass"
brandon nods "fair enough"

you both took turns taking photos. you took this one of b;

brandon smiled looking at you after looking at the photos "you're really talented you know that" you shrug "i'm really not" brandon grabs your hand "yes you are" he then pulls you close and kisses you

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brandon smiled looking at you after looking at the photos "you're really talented you know that"
you shrug "i'm really not"
brandon grabs your hand "yes you are"
he then pulls you close and kisses you.
you kissed back. you shouldn't of but. you did.

you pulled away "b. please"
brandon nods "right strict dad. got it"
he walked you home and smiled softly "goodnight"
you smiled "night b"

you walk inside smiling to see your dad standing there
"b?! who the fuck is b?!" he snaps
you sighed "dad.. you said you'd drop it"
your dad sighed "oh hell nah. not when he's making moves on my little girl!"
you sighed "dad! i'm 18! let me be okay. i can see who i want when i want. not who you want, when you want."
your dad nods "fine. don't come crawling to me when he hurts you next week"

he didn't expect things to last. jokes on him. it's now y'all's 4 months.
you look at brandon "i know it's meant to be happy but i hate upsetting him b."
brandon sighed "he hadn't gotten to know me yet. you're stressing bub. calm down"
you nod "i know i just. after mom died he's all i got and the last thing i want is to disappoint him"
brandon smiled "he's happy you're happy. okay? trust me"

you nod

after a long day. after a long 8 months your dad finally accepts yours and b's relationship. he came to terms that you and b are serious and he's not gonna hurt you and leave like everyone else. which, he was glad to see. cause he wanted what's best for you and nothing less.

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