styled by my baby - b.a

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every now and then you style brandon for events or even just the day to day outfits, but it's been a hardly ever kinda thing. or at least something you never took exactly seriously. it was kinda lost for fun or as a joke when y'all would pick each other outfits kinda thing. but it's normal: you've been with brandon for a little over 2 years now. sometimes it's just a thing y'all do.

y'all are with each other through thick and thin. which means a lot to you. and to him. genuinely to the both of you. as it should.

you look at nick cause you knew he was looking at you. living with these boys for the last 18 months you knew when someone was watching you even if you weren't looking.
nick smiled "you should style us all for the tca's!"
you shrug "i don't know. shouldn't someone with experience do it though?"
nick smiled "i'm sure management won't mind plus it'll probably be something good for brandon too"
i nod " yeah maybe."
nick smiled "talk to b. see what he says. i think you should"

you sighed.

as much as you want to do it, you know you shouldn't. because of the fact that they have a person to do it for them. aka their stylist.

you walked over to brandon.

brandon looks at you "i know something is on your mind"
you sighed "nick thinks i should style y'all for the tca's."
brandon smiled " babe. why the sigh? it would be a big opportunity!"
you sighed "i don't know. you have a stylist for a reason bubby..."
brandon smiled "it's okay. she's on vacation anyways! just say yes"
you nod "okay. i'll do it"

you hear the boys cheer and scream as soon as you say yes. it couldn't help but laugh.

once you got the boys outfits pre picked you look at them in their fits "that wasn't too bad"
austin smiled "it's like you got a natural talent for this"
edwin nods "yeah you nailed it!!"
zion smirks "i've never looked better. i should have you style me all the time"
brandon smiled "chill man"

you also picked a few extra outfits for the boys to wear before the tca's and just day to day cause why not.

"today's fit! styled by my baby 😊❤️" brandon captions his outfit post on Instagram;

after styling the boys; it made you realise it wasn't as bad as you were expecting it to be

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after styling the boys; it made you realise it wasn't as bad as you were expecting it to be. i mean it was hard, but not as hard as you were thinking. maybe you could get used to this

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