i promised id be here. so here i am - e.h

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you couldn't be back in LA because you had a dance competition back home in NY. so. you had to be away for your boyfriend which had been the first time since y'all got together a year and a half ago.

edwin couldn't make it to your dance competition. which, really destroyed you tbh. since he's been to as many as you can remember..

edwin sighed taking your hands "babe. you go back home for your comp tomorrow. you know i can't be there. no matter how much i wanna be.."
you nod "i know i just. it's not gonna be the same without you."
edwin nods "i know bub. but i can't be in two places"
you nod "yeah. which sucks"
edwin sighed "it does. but. you'll kill it okay? call me when you land" he kisses you
you nod "i will."  you sighed as you walked out the house

you flew to NY. as soon as you landed you texted edwin "i'm at my moms place for the night before the competition tomorrow. but i'll be on the first flight home"
edwin replies "okay babe! i love you & goodluck! ❤️"

before you knew it you were asleep and your mom was waking you up for the competition. you must have fallen asleep not long after you texted edwin.

you headed out to the competition with your mom. you came 2nd. which kinda hurt like hell considering how hard you worked. you decided to head back to LA more or less as soon as possible.

you uber back to the boys' place.

austin let's you in "y/n? i thought you were in NY for a few days?"
you nod "yeah, me too."
austin sighed "that bad huh?"
you shrug "i mean not the best but not terrible"
austin smiled "how so?"
you sighed "2nd"

edwin walked down "baby! second is that bad at all! you're first in my books!" he sits beside you and kisses your forehead
you sighed "still think i would of done better with you there"
edwin smiled "hey regardless you got second! that's not bad at all. seriously"
austin nods "better than third!!"
you sighed "yeah but it ain't first is it..."
you stood up and sat by the pool

edwin walks out and sits beside you "bub. i know it's a hard but i'm sure you killed. it might not be first but it's really better than nothing."
you sighed "i just."
edwin smiled as he jumps in the pool "come for a swim! it'll cheer you up"
you shrug "just let me get-" before you could finish edwin pilled you in
"get changed? too late" edwin smiled giggling
you smiled "i love you you know"
edwin smiled "i know"

you & edwin spent about two hours just chasing each other around the pool, talking, laughing, and smiling. it was a great way to end the weekend since it didn't go exactly as you would of liked. in the end, you couldn't of asked for more.

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