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Chapter Six

As Abdul was absent from the office from few days, the next day Sehara asked about Abdul to her employees. None answered. She was so upset that she just sat down on the cabin and staring at her old spectacles as well as the photo of her college days with Abdul, Samrat and Rafiq as well as her old friends. She checked some old documents of her office. As she saw one of the CVs of Rafiq, she was quite surprised of the fact that he was also one of the agents who actually worked at the office and as she was not aware that Abdul also fired him. When she called Rafiq on phone, he picked up.

"Hello" said Rafiq

"Is this Mr. Rafiq's residence?" said Sehara
"Yes, ma'am"

"I would request you to visit GAF to meet our new chairperson due to a small meeting"

"Sorry, I would be a little busy today"

"It's kind of urgent, if you like to come to the office"

"Okay, today afternoon".

Meanwhile, it was afternoon. Abdul was sitting on the rooftop. It was a little old rooftop but quite a big space with gardens, pigeon houses and clothes to dry. When Abdul sat on the pipe of the rooftop, he saw a white pigeon sat on the pipe and stared at him.

"What are you staring at?" moaned Abdul

"Are all right dear?" asked the female voice of the pigeon.

"Kind of...what's your name? I mean your real name?" asked Abdul.

"None gave me the real name other than your mom... Heyal" said the pigeon.

"You sound like an attractive lady, though" said Abdul.

"The boys... I always get disappointed by young man who stalks me around as if I am gold... Some even slap themselves" said the pigeon.

"Oh, that happened during my college life too... All right, what was Sunderban like?" asked Abdul.

"It was a deep forest... I was named something else by one of the wisest baboons of all time-Zuba! He named me 'Halima' means the 'motherly figure'" said the pigeon.

"Zuba! The baboon?" asked Abdul.

The cats' graceful presence made Abdul more curious.

"Yes, pal... though I don't know that Zuba guy, she always says, that he was awesome in his own way" said the male cat.

"Shut up, Funtoosh! He's listening to our story. After all, he is recollecting the memory of how his mom adopted me. Back to the story, Zuba was quite eccentric but everyone followed him- even our king, a ferocious lion Sabu from Africa. As men increased, they cut off the woods. We shift places to places. Until, I learnt to fly a bit, I was lost in the middle of the crowded city with loads of traffic as well as people walking on the footpaths. I was scared because I was not aware of the hooks and crooks of the city life and I was a kid too. As I was bumped off by a car, my leg was injured. Your mom took me home and covered my leg with a band aid. Until, I met you, kid. I saw that you were the only person who talked to me when you were five but after your mom died, you lost your ability to talk to animals with the urban life" said Heya (the pigeon)

Meanwhile, Sehara was sitting on her cabin by looking at the clock. She heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" said Sehara.

Rafiq entered but was shocked to see Sehara.

"Sehara!" exclaimed Rafiq. "Is that you? You are the new chairperson, aren't you?"

"Yes, Rafiq. Thank God you were fired by that sick idiot!" said Sehara.

"That sick idiot? He was rude but thank God you replaced him" said Rafiq.

"So, I need to ask you something, where's Abdul?" asked Sehara.

"I don't know where he is? I haven't heard him from months after the resignation" said Rafiq.

"It's alright. Just meet him and talk to him for a patch up and report him to me"

"No, I can't. He's just too rude than before" said Rafiq.

"Just ask him. He won't harm you" said Sehara.

"Okay then" said Rafiq.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now