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Chapter Nineteen

Therefore, it was a rainy midnight, Abdul and Capren went between the mountains. The blistering wind and cold rain forced Abdul to wear a thick cloth made of trees and special spells to make it warmer and wrapped Capren in the cloth. The beard along with his body were wet. As the rain stopped, he saw the crows who were less than five were standing above the tree barks. In the bottom, there was a tree full of golden mint leaves. It was surrounded by dry rocks.

They tiptoed near it but when the crows captured them, they tried to attack. But the leader of the crows stopped them.

"What is your purpose, coming here?" asked the leader in an unpleasant tone.

"I am here for a cause. I want to take the mint from the tree" begged Abdul.

"What cause?" asked the leader.

"There is a Koala Bear who is ill but if it's a plague it is really necessary" said Abdul.

"Tell me the name but if not, describe it" said the leader.

"The disease is as if some of the bodies turned green and had dark spots as if she came from drought" said Abdul.

The crows looked surprised.

"The Plague that happened 200 years ago? That Ammo Plague that killed most animals of Peaceland by The Prime Minister. Take your mint I am not in a mood to challenge you because I saw your eyes of struggle. I can be crooked but not for now. The Emperor came with a similar cause and yet, succeeded. Go then" said The leader.

A golden eagle flew on the rocky mountain where the crows sat down. Abdul stared at the leader by questioning.

"Ride on" said the leader.

The eagle stopped beside the golden mint tree as if the wings placed for Abdul and Capren to ride on. Capren was scared but Abdul took him as such that Capren's fart stopped. He took several branches of the golden mint. They mounted on the Golden Eagle's back. He slowly flew above the sky that Capren got scared.

"I HATE HEIGHTS!" shouted Capren. The eagle went over the large Peaceland areas with a smile. Abdul enjoyed with an excitement.

"I never enjoyed like this soberly! I declare I am not drunk! YEAH!" said Abdul with excitement.

Capren forgot about the heights and was really enjoying the flight. After they reached the Monkeys' Den. After both dismounted from The Eagle's long feather, he handed the mint to Zuba. After Zuba gave The Koala Bear the mint, she swallowed. The plague slowly erased from the body. Everyone in Peaceland started to chant.

Therefore, at night Abdul was about to talk to Appu in the waterfall. But he saw the crowded elephants who were weeping.

"Thema? What happened to Appu?" asked Abdul.

None answered.

He went to the Lions' Den. What he saw that he was not prepared to see. There were cages where Sabu and the other lions were inside. That left Abdul devastated. He ran off to Sabu's cage and asked "What happened here? Where's Appu?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice entered "he is taken by the poachers. Some of the poachers spilled the oil in the entrance of The Peaceland!"

When Abdul looked back,

"Sehara?" said Abdul with surprise.

"Abdul! I am here to help you. I just read the newspaper. Then I came to know about your condition from a man from the grocery store. I looked for you where the monkeys took you in from Sunderban to Peaceland. But the poachers stalked me. I don't know where to say" wept Sehara.

"Sehara. I understood what happened. But look, everything's gonna be fine when we will search for the poachers" said Abdul.

"You haven't been so responsible" said Sehara.

"It's a long story" said Abdul.

Zuba came with a blue key. When Abdul grinned, he took the key from Zuba and freed the lions. After that Capren asked "Is that your lamppost, sir?"

"Yes, she's my lamppost" said Abdul.

"What's lamppost?" asked Sehara.

"It means girlfriend. How did you hear us speaking?" asked Abdul.

"Oh, my mom's spirit gifted me through it" said Sehara.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now