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"It was a time when The Mughals used to rule the world and Bengal was one of them. During that time, there was an emperor who travelled the world but when he travelled to Africa, half of his face were damaged by an unknown locust. Therefore, without doing his trade done, he returned to his own land.

Days ran but he could not come out of his bed. Until a physician entered the palace for the proposal to heal the king's disfigured face. The minister accepted it because he thought of him being an imposter and would disfigure the king's face more plus the minister would be the king.

Therefore, he entered the room. After some time, the king's disfigured face was recovered that surprised all but made the vizier violently jealous. He planned to kill the innocent physician who had no harm done to the king. The vizier manipulated the king "Your majesty, your physician had an affair with thy young daughter!"

He was infuriated that he ordered the guards to grab him for the interrogation.

"Sir, I haven't done any harm! I am old! I have a family" cried The Physician.

"You are in love with my daughter, aren't you?" asked the king.

"No, she's like my daughter" cried the Physician.

"I do not believe you, guards, take him to the dungeon and cut his head that he will never touch my daughter again!" commanded the king.

The guards dragged him to the dungeon. The physician was weeping around but the guards used the dagger that made him-headless. The king and the vizier became so heartless as they celebrated joy of his merciless death that the spirit terrorized the great hall and it was dark. The king and the vizier were shivered when they saw the physician's disfigured head.

"You are just a puppet. You are always under the advices of this despicable vizier who wanted a throne. And your Majesty, you are really ungrateful and you don't have a sense of the respect of humanity. You both will die" growled the physician's spirit.

The sword was lifted up from the ancestors' statue and slayed the head of both the king and the vizier. Since then, the spirit of Peaceland was formed all around the world where kindness, generosity and peace was formed. It had an access to the people who are disturbed with life but it became a secret because no one believed it anymore. Qifar, no matter what you do, never be merciless with anyone."

The tale was told by a woman to his son, Qifar. That woman was her mom who used to be the maid of the young Shahabaz's father, King Farad. King Farad was a kind man who used to donate clothes to then poor, dine with them every Friday and always import spices for the British. But his spoiled little son of Qifar's age, Shahbaz always used to have tantrums towards their servants.

Anyway, after Qifar's mother told him the story, Qifar asked "momma, people are unkind and treacherous to us, especially that Shahbaz" said Qifar.

"He's not as literate as you, but he will slowly redeem" said Qifar's mother.

"You are the best mom in the world" said Qifar.

The young Qifar sat on his mother's lap. They were in the hut that were made of hazes. It was so beautiful that it was surrounded by the torches. Every night, they always have a bedtime story.

On the other hand, Prince Shahbaz had no mother. Otherwise, he used to be cared by his nanny, Karimi. Karimi was a gentle young lady who was so honest that she vowed his mother to take care of him and to educate him. Prince Shahbaz was quite a lucky fellow but he does not know that.

There were folktales that was an all time favorite to the kids but they do not listen or invent one. But some rare folktales were cannot be replicated!

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now