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"Abdul, she is not in her senses. What should we do?" asked Kara.

"The ladies should take her to the cave" commanded Abdul.

The lady monkeys took the fainted body of Sehara to the cave along with Abdul. When the lady monkeys left, Shahana hoped inside the cave. Her presence stopped Abdul to see Sehara's body properly.

"I understand how much you love your wife. Do you have anyone from college other than Rafiq?" asked Shahana.

"Yes, how do you know?" asked Abdul.

"My mom used to tell me that I had a dad who died by a car accident that left you and Rafiq alive" said Shahana.

"Who is your mother?" asked Abdul.

"My mother is Sheikh Farida Rehman" said Shahana.

"Oh, Samrat...he married earlier before the accident. Yes, yes I remember" said Abdul.

"But why did you kill my dad?" asked Shahana.

"Oh, you dumbo, you need to know the other side of the story, other than going into one side. Rafiq is no other than Qifar! He's the person who killed your dad. Haven't you read 'Listening to the Wilds' or 'The Tales of Peaceland'?" asked Abdul.

"Yes, honorable wizard. I was expecting to know this one. How is Nishi?" said Shahana.

"She will be doing a wrestling match with Sheeba, the daughter of Roko" said Abdul.

"I hope, she does well" said Shahana.

Nishi stood in the field while Lango was circling around her. The field was dark and silent because the rest of the animals were on the Monkey's Paradise. It was such that some of the dead trees were waving around as the breeze blew.

"We have wrestling in our blood. But you need to have some training to understand the speed of it. Otherwise, wrestling is not that easy" said Lango.

"Okay, sir" said Nishi.

"We will start from tomorrow" said Lango.


Nishi entered the field as such that the deer bowed. Nishi also bowed by following him. Lango and Nishi went backwards by looking at each other. Therefore, both ran at each other but was pushed by Lango.

"You are almost a fast learner but you are ending up like your father when he was young. But don't worry, it's just a beginning" said Lango as Nishi was sighing.

During the continuous training, Sabu's presence interrupted their work.

"Your Majesty!" said Lango and bowed with Nishi.

"Do not worry, I am also here to train her. But first, you train her" said Sabu.

Therefore, Nishi and Lango started. She pushed Lango's horns while the deer was continuously pushing her.

In the meantime, Abdul was collecting mint leaves, lemons and waters from the waterfall as well. Shahana was taking care of Sehara's comatose body. He mixed the mint leaves with water with his fifteen year old flask. The comatose body was laid on the stone table of the cave. Jared also entered the cave with turmeric and red chilies.

While Abdul put the mint juice on Sehara's mouth, Jared and Shahana were mixing turmeric and red chilies on her body.

"Jared and Shahana, these are the antidotes of not only a comatose body but the possessed one. As far as I examined, the possession of the demon is gone but what I actually meditated, the demon is on the track by impersonating someone" said Abdul.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now