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Chapter Fifteen

It was a final day, but was midnight when Abdul was asleep.

"Abdul!" whispered Zuba on his ear.

As Abdul was annoyed but he realized that Zuba was up to something. He woke up and went through the forest where the stars were glittered with reflections on the lake which was picturesque. Despite the forest was dark, the colorful fireflies reflected the forest. He entered into a cave, the cave was scattered with the fireflies with a light. He saw Zuba who was meditating between the trees at the center end of the cave.

Zuba finished his meditation.

"I didn't know that you are so active" said Zuba.

"I learnt that from you. By the way, why did you bring me here?" asked Abdul.

"Did Sabu or I told you anything?" asked Zuba.

"Oh, yeah, I forgot" said Abdul.

"Witness your power. You might learn the stealthily abilities as well as blocking the scratch of the tiger. Punch me, Abdul" said Zuba.


"Do it, Abdul!"

Abdul punched but was blocked by the hands of Zuba. As the punch and block continued, Zuba vanishes in the dark. When Abdul was searching for Zuba, he was scared when he heard Zuba's voice at the back.

"YOU-WHOO!" cracked Zuba.

When he was about to make a fist, Zuba dodged everywhere. Then he realized Zuba's techniques. Zuba was about to punch him but his fist was blocked by Abdul. As Zuba searched for him in the dark, Abdul grabbed him off from the back that he was almost choked to death. Zuba laughed.

"You win, dear! That's all today. Now you can explore the whole of Peaceland" said Zuba.

Abdul went out of the cave as he saw the fireflies were flowing around, the moonlight was reflecting all over the forest. The gorillas were sleeping. While, Abdul went into the waterfall, he saw a group of elephants where marching around and some of them were humble.

"Can't we sleep right now, Appu?" asked a female elephant.

"Ah, yeah, we worked so much!" said the male elephant.

Zuba's presence made every elephant bow down except for the head, Appu who was really cheered up by Zuba.

"Ah, Zuby, my old friend! Such a long time!" exclaimed Appu.

"Oh, Appy! Bananas?" said Zuba.

"Water" said Appu.

"Grass?" said Zuba.

"Grasshopper" said Appu.

"WE ARE BROS!" said Zuba and Appu.

Abdul reminiscence about the days with Samrat and Rafiq.

Appu and Zuba hugged for so long as if they forgot their grudges in the past 200 years.

"Abdul, he's my jaantush (lovable) friend, Appu. He's the king of elephants. When he marches, he's brooding but otherwise, he's a comedian as hell. In the past, we did have some grudges but when we got wiser, we slowly understood each other even in the long distance management" said Zuba.

"Well, is he The Chosen Human?" asked Appu.

Every one of the elephant tribes were devastated with such a news that they were even asking themselves.

"Yes, he's the Chosen One" said Zuba.

"But is he aware of The Prophecy?" asked Appu.

"That's why we brought him to you" said Zuba.

"Oh. Anyways, the tribal, please go for a nap! My dear Zuba, Abdul and I will go to the swamp. We have some work to do!" said Appu.

Then the trio walked into the swamp slowly. It held a lot of questions that might be answered. What was in the Prophecy? How is The Prophecy looked like? Who created it?

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now