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Chapter Twenty

"My son, only those who are lonely or tired of life can have this gift. The fireflies you saw was not only a spirit but also the guardians. Not all people might have the gift but few. After the incident that Sehara left you, she really wanted to stab herself but was stopped by the spirit of her mother. And your mother's gift is by born from The Emperor. She spoke to us since she was saved by one of our guardians from an accident while she was playing with a basketball-her cat, Keya when she was a child. Though she died a natural death, her son always protected you from the odds" said Zuba.

"Funtoosh! Now I am getting the clear conception!" exclaimed Abdul.

Therefore, Kara's eyes became a little hypnotic. She was such that she forgot herself. Her voice was raising in such that the whole of the forest would quake. Therefore, inside her memory, she saw a man who was inside a swamp-like land while the others who wore hoodies bowed him. Appu was trapped in an elephant cage inside a vanity van. She said

"Now, the Chosen One. He will lead us to the savages. The savages will destroy Peaceland! He must take his action"

The flashes of her memory faded away. Everyone in the Peaceland got scared except for Zuba and Abdul. It was ominous! None in Peaceland could think like that!

Abdul said "the culprit will understand! I will get the culprit and hand it to the Lion's den! No matter what may happen, we will do it!"

Everyone chanted.

"Abdul, you can do it without me. You can take Sehara, Kara and Capren with you as well as the Golden Eagle" said Zuba.

"Zuba" said Abdul but interrupted by Zuba.

"Abdul, it is you, you are the secret recipe" said Zuba calmly.

Abdul agreed. Their quest started above the waterfall with a boat, made of bamboos and woods. The sea waved, the sailing boat under the storm made Sehara a little cold. He gave the extra cloth made of colorful leaves and extra warm. Sehara smiled as an innocent little girl as Abdul grin with a feeling to be loved. It was such that none ever reciprocate love. When they were about to kiss, they were interrupted by Capren who was dancing and rapping that actually irritated both the couples but they enjoyed and were entertained at the same time. Kara was sailing the boat with her slithering mouth and was sailing as the storm and the oceans waved.

At night, they saw a cruise which was ran by humans, were far from their boat. Abdul and Sehara were a little bored. Then, Kara sailed into the swamp. The fireflies came inside the swamp as the couple was happy and Capren whistled while the crocodiles brought their trumpets and playing the instrument but it was so beautiful that the sparrows came inside the boat. Surprising thing was Jumbo who came inside the boat.

"Jumbo! My old friend! What a surprise!" said Abdul happily.

"It's my duty as a friend to serve you" said Jumbo.

"No problemo! The music is on!" said Abdul excitedly.

Sehara and Abdul danced together. The crocodiles were playing the trumpet while Jumbo and his five band of teammates were singing a jazz song 'Stand By Me'. Sehara was nervous.

"Hey, I know we wished to dance in a cruise, remember in college? Now we are fulfilling our prom" said Abdul.

"I wished it for a long time. It was incomplete without you" said Sehara.

"You know? I have never been this lively until all these blessings happened" said Abdul.

"Hmmm...same here...we both are imperfect" said Sehara.

"Do you know? I saw an old monkey couple were sitting beside each other. Even they fight with each other, their situation ends with love and peace. I wish I'd be with you" said Abdul.

"You are still with me. By the way, Rafiq used to report me about the forest but all of a sudden, he didn't inform a lot. I am sorry Abdul" said Sehara.

"You don't have to be...we all make mistakes" said Abdul calmly.

For the first time, Abdul forgot his tantrums and learning to accept things by handling it coolly. Kara smiled as if she saw a human couple dancing as a tango. Capren was so happy that he used fireworks to celebrate the love. It was a really lovely time. The boat slowly went to an island.

The island was greener than expected. In the corner, there were swamps which might lead to the Devil's house. Is the Prime Minister in the house? What would be the secret they might reveal?

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now