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Chapter Twenty Two

They crouched slowly but was captured by the hooded men and tied them with a scotch tape even on their mouths. After that they threw them to the vanity van.

"ABDUL!" shouted Appu.

Abdul and Sehara were mouthful as they could not speak. Rafiq went inside the van with an evil grin. He roamed around the hostages sadistically with showing his belt.

"So, the Chosen One? How are you doing today? I know you are having a tough time but I surely think that lot of plot holes that I have to fill it out for you" said Rafiq.

"WHAT?" Abdul mumbled.

"Okay, interested? Okay. As I killed The Emperor Shahbaz, I escaped with the book but I left the skull in the ruins that made the world upside down. My purpose is not to rule the world but to change the society from underestimation. I first saw your face who resembled a bit like Shahbaz. As I adapted the generation, I hang around with you. Until, during the prom, that idiot Samrat saw the black magic books that pissed me off. When he was about to tell you, you had no time for hearing that because you were chasing that poor Sehara! To hide my true nature, I just acted as your best friend to impress Sehara by not doubting my true nature. I wanted both your relationships to be unwell because of your inappropriate behavior. For that chance, I returned to Peaceland by accessing your data. For your information, savages are not allowed in Peaceland. I was in the savage list but as the monkeys kidnapped you, I entered swiftly. And the animal issue? Oh God! I shape shifted as a random child as Rafiq to be like a childhood friend, but my real name is Qifar. All Hail Qifar!" said Rafiq.

When Rafiq pulled off the scotch tape from his mouth, Abdul shouted "YOU BASTARD!"

"Poor choice of words" mocked Rafiq.

After Rafiq left, Appu was devastated for the first time, they saw the hooded man unveiled. Kara came inside the van. As Abdul and Sehara encouraged Kara to cut the tapes. She cut them slowly with Kara's tooth. Therefore, Kara went outside the island and meditated. Her visions slowly showed a skull in a castle ruin. Her voice quaked again.


Fortunately, it did not went to The Devil's Den because her voice was protected from those who are against the will of Peaceland. Therefore, it did not affect Rafiq when the groups were keep worshipping Rafiq. Therefore, Abdul, Sehara and Capren just got the key beside the mirror desk. They unlocked Appu's cage and ran towards the boat. But the boat was so small that Appu could not enter. Suddenly, the Golden Eagle landed on the sandy side. Appu, Abdul, Kara, Sehara and Capren mounted towards the Golden Eagle. They flew towards the waterfall. As Capren was scared, Sehara just cuddled him and he sat on her lap. The water just waved as the cool breeze was flowing around.

"What a breeze! It's like Air Conditioner!" said Abdul.

"Forget about real conditioners, take a selfie with us" said Sehara.

"What is a selfie?" asked Kara.

"Self-portrait given from their own hands" said Capren.

"Oh, okay" said Kara.

"But no flashes, please ma'am" said Capren.

"Oh, I forgot" said Sehara.

Sehara took out her iPhone. She saw that the battery was not that lower than expected. They took a selfie with a smile. Few minutes after that moment, The Golden Eagle saw the waterfall.

"There goes down the waterfall" said the Golden Eagle.

Abdul and Sehara looked shocked.

"He hardly talks since the Emperor was killed" said Kara.

After they understood, the Eagle flew as such that Sehara was excited but Abdul was scared. Few minutes later, they are enjoying with happiness. They saw the trees and felt the cold breeze. Abdul and Sehara waved their hands like a bird as Capren, Appu and Kara were awed by the romantic moment.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now