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But in the next moment, Nishi was hugging, the sound was silent. The fog came into the surroundings of the cell. Therefore, Nishi looked at Sehara's pale face whose eyes turned bloody cold. The fury of her face scared Nishi that she jumped out and stepped away.

"YOU STOLE MY AMYRAH! YOU WITCH!" shouted Sehara in a demonic voice.

Nishi got scared that she rushed out of the cell. Sehara chased her with her flying skills. When she was about to choke her, the guards in the asylum held her that she calmed down.

"NISHI! Peaceland is not a myth! You are in danger, Nishi!" cried Sehara.

Nishi was scared and shocked at the same time. She exited the mental institution with her bicycle. For her, it was a frightening experience. She went to the murder sight once again. She saw the same old beggar who was sitting in the tree side of the murder sight.


It scared her more. She rushed through Shahana's house while the rain started. It was cold that she became wet. Shahana looked a little concerned.

"Nishi, are you all right?" asked the concerned Shahana.

"How can I be that alright? The situation scared the hell out of me" said Nishi.

"What happened" asked Shahana.

Nishi did not answer but she straight went upstairs.

"Nishi, what's happening?" asked Shahana forcefully.

"I met my mom! She seems, in danger. As far as I remember, she was one of the strongest pillars of the Peaceland mythology. In the next point, something scarier than my mom was us, going to the Crystal Lake. Peaceland is real!" sighed Nishi.

"I know what you are going through, Nishi. My mom used to mention that I never met my father as he died in an accident with that bloody Qifar and unfortunately, the philanthropist Abdul Asef Khan. Mom used to claim that he was a good friend of his" said Shahana.

"The man who disappeared 15 years ago is no other than Abdul Asef Khan" said Nishi.

"What do you mean?" asked Shahana.

"He's my father" said Nishi.

"Holy f*ck! Is he your father? Your father's legendary, dude but you are kind of opposite to your parents!" exclaimed Shahana.

"I do get scared but I never gave up my hopes" said Nishi.

"That's like a good girl" said Shahana.

Scaredy cat was Nishi's middle name. She used to get a lot scared while getting bullied or pranked by her friends.

It was during her school days, she was going to the toilet. It was dark. The ghostly neon lights chased her that she ran out from the toilet. The bullies laughed at her being afraid. She wept as such that Shahana and Jared consoled her. What a fearful day it was but also a nostalgic one!

By now, Shahana and Nishi shared a sheer nostalgia about her school days about how they first met?

Shahana first met Nishi while she was bullied by the bunch of boys for her introvert behavior. Shahana just hit the bullies as such that they got scared and ran away. Jared was a good looking cute little man who met both Nishi and Shahana while Shahana had a crush on him. Even the little girls used to follow him during their junior high days. Kabir came in their middle school days. They met him as a simple boy who had no idea about other cultures about the world. He had a conservative conception about culture.

Anyway, they were gossiping about their school days, until a knock was heard from the door. Shahana's mother opened the door-it was Jared and the fat Kabir in their yellow raincoats.

"Well, is that Jared and Kabir? What's up?" asked Shahana's mother.

"We are here for spreading some news. It's important for both Nishi and Shahana" sighed Kabir.

Both entered Shahana's room.

Nishi and Shahana looked surprised.

"Nishi and Shahana, thank God! You are saved!" said Jared and Kabir.

"What happened?" asked both Nishi and Shahana.

"We saw a shadowy element who was following us in a manner that someone was stalking us! When we looked back, we saw a pale faced woman who glared at us. We got scared and ran away" said Kabir.

Shahana looked at her Facebook news feed. She was not prepared for what she saw:


"Oh my God! That means you are chased by that mad woman!" exclaimed Shahana.

"It can't be, it's my mom! She's possessed by a demon!" cried Nishi.

Jared and Kabir were shocked with no words and feared by the situation.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now