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The mental asylum was again dark but this time, Sehara was stiff and scared. The asylum was cold as a fog. The inmates were sleeping but their dreams were such that it was every day, a doomsday. The graffiti arts were frozen with walls that even more inmates felt freezing while in sleep. The hooded man appeared from the fog. Sehara was petrified to see that hooded man.

"O, Hello, Mrs. Sehara, I heard that your daughter is on Peaceland?" asked the hooded man.

"Stay away from her, you bastard!" shouted Sehara.

"You are too late! Now that I found out that someone from the human world has a force to have an extreme power, but it does not know it" said the hooded man.

"You disappeared my husband and you are trying to kill my child but for what reason?" asked Sehara.

"I want to bridge the gap between the 'dangerous Peacelanders' and 'Human Lands' that humans can live in peace and can enslave those bloody animals of Peaceland who disturbed our Human Lands!" said the hooded man.

"YOU BASTARD!" shouted Sehara but the hooded man entered her body in such a manner that her body calmed down but her soul was not given up fighting. She stood up forcefully and slowly stepped in to the cell's barrier. She broke the barrier in such a manner as it was thrown in the security guards' office. They woke up and saw that Sehara was running out from the asylum. The security guards continuously chased her possessed body outside the asylum to the neighborhoods.

Therefore, she flew up the sky with a cackling laugh.

"YOU CANNOT STOP ME! I WILL CLEAN THE ENVIRONMENT MYSELF" said the hooded man, in Sehara's body.

That actually opened Abdul's eyes while he was meditating in the cave with petrification. He jumped out and called Zuba to the cave.

"What's wrong, dear Abdul?" asked Zuba.

"Zuba, he's back-Qifar is back!" shouted Abdul.

"Qifar's skull is destroyed for 15 years but how can it be?" said Zuba who was feeling thoughtful.

Abdul thought of it twice.

"But Zuba, I noticed that the hooded man does not have an equal motive than of Qifar's. Qifar wants to kill both the Peaceland and Human World to live by his selfish means but the hooded man wanted to make a bridge between humanity and Peacelanders but in a way that most of the equalities would be lost" said Abdul.

"So that must be someone who I was quite familiar with as the Emperor used to mention" said Zuba.

"What! Hafiz! The King of Kamalapur? He was killed by Qifar" said Abdul.

"As far as I remember, his story did not end yet" said Zuba.

Therefore, Abdul went out of the cave. It was while, Nishi was sitting alone beside the pond. She heard a hissing sound from the grasslands of the pond. She saw a snake who was slowly coming near Nishi. Nishi was quite scared to see the snake who was coming into her crossed legs.

"Sorry for my creepy presence. I understand that you are kind of afraid, same as your father" said the snake.

"Who are you?" stammered Nishi.

"The legend taught you well, but not that much. I am Kara" said Kara, the snake.

"Thank God! You are not one of the 'Hooded Man's' army" said Nishi.

"I understand about this problem that your father actually faced but his ego never expressed. I heard that you are having a wrestling match with Sheeba. As expected, she might be the opposite character of Roko but you need to watch out her speed of fighting" said Kara.

"But Kara" said Nishi but interrupted by Kara's absence. Therefore, Abdul rushed near Nishi.

"Nishi, let's go. We must meet Sheeba and Roko, if you want to come with us" said Abdul.

"Okay" agreed Nishi.

Abdul and Nishi went to a grassland, surrounded with loads of trees and some stones. The older Tiger was resting while the younger tiger was hunting the bugs.

"Yo Roko!" Abdul called the older tiger.

He woke up and yawned a bit. When his eyes cleared and looked at Abdul, he was overjoyed.


"I am good, man. I am here for the wrestling business. My daughter here wants to wrestle" said Abdul.

"Oh, that's tricky! What is the actual reason here?" asked Roko.

"Actually, the dark forces are coming in...She deserves some of the tests that we could understand the meaning of the consequences" said Abdul.

"I see" said Roko.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now