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Prince Shahbaz, a desperate child who used to play chess and underestimates the commoners. The farmers were really disturbed by the prince's behavior but the kind old king was too reliable on him that their kings men were annoyed except for his nanny, Karimi- the only person who knew that Prince Shahbaz had a good heart. How?

It was morning, most people were walking around the open marketplace. Qifar and his mother walked into the marketplace to buy some sweets. The sweetshop owner was using a fan to shoo the flies away. Therefore, Qifar and his mother reached the shop.

"Hello ma'am, how can I help you?" asked the sweetshop owner.

"25 butterballs, 10 milk sweets and 5 butters" said Qifar's mother.

"Is that so? What is the news about?" asked the sweetshop owner.

"Oh, we are distributing 45 orphan boys in our Masjid" said Qifar's mother.

"30 shillings, please" said the owner.

"I don't have that much, but I have twenty" said Qifar's mother.

But the sudden appearance of King Farad shocked the owner.

"I am giving you 30 shillings. As for the orphan boys, I really feel for that! My dear maid, Sabina will distribute the sweets to the orphans" said King Farad.

"Oh, thank you, your majesty" said Sabina (Qifar's mother)

"You don't have to thank me. I always feel the needy's pain and you are like a sister to me" said King Farad.

Despite, Farad was kind and humble, his son, Shahbaz was a terrible young child.

Meanwhile, it was almost lunch. Prince Shahbaz was sitting in the huge dining hall. No one was there except his nanny. In the dining hall, there were huge chunks of food that even the commoners did not get. It was a huge roasted grilled chicken which was juicy to eat. There were small sweetmeats that were tasty that even the commoners used to crave for it. There were mixtures of world cuisines such as fried potatoes, caviar, steaks, roasted beef, and asparagus and so on. As Shahbaz was so fat that he could eat a roasted chicken all at once and most of the curries used to get into his mouth. As Karimi saw his condition, she was trying to stop him.

"Please master, leave it to the kings man" said Karimi.

"They are commoners. I don't like to share with them" said Shahbaz in a snobbish tone.

He was eating too much of chicken that Karimi could not stop him but was silenced while eating it as if he himself could not get any food.

After few minutes, Shahbaz looked at Karimi's sorrow face which reminded him of his mother on her deathbed. Therefore, he stopped eating.

"What happened, nanny?" asked Shahbaz softly.

But there was no answer.

"I am sorry, nanny. I don't want to lose you like my mother" said Shahbaz.

"Hey, don't think I am ill, my little chubby Shabu" said Karimi with a nickname that was given by his mother.

She firmly pressed Shahbaz's cheeks and smiled as a beautiful fairy.

Yes, Shahbaz had really had a kind heart but fate might erase it. Some fate might be a blessing in disguise too but he does not have patience to understand the consequences of his own actions.

At night, the orphan boys were eating inside the Masjid. Qifar and his mother were serving it. Until. King Farad and his snobbish son Prince Shahbaz visited the house.

"Why they are eating like a mouthful?" asked Shahbaz.

"Son, they get such foods once in a year. But what you have to do is to first, help one, then help the other" said Farad.

Farad was quite confused but was silenced because of his father. After their feast was over, they went outside to play but the lonely Shahbaz was sitting on the field, watching them play.

Qifar patted Shahbaz's shoulder. He was hyped!

"Don't touch me, I don't like the commoners" said Shahbaz.

"Look, you think you are someone above but are you?" said Qifar.

"Yeah, that's true" said Shahbaz.

Both played with each other. Five years passed, they came to play with each other that formed a friendship between the prince and the commoner.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now