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Chapter Twenty Three

The kingdom of Peaceland were filled with joy while the Golden Eagle landed on the waterfall. Zuba came near Abdul, Sehara, Kara and Capren but was a little anxious.

"Why did you declare a war in Peaceland, Kara? We just spread peace even to our enemies. The poachers might kill us but we never give up peace" said Zuba.

"These poachers are not suitable for listening. We will not kill them but we will hurt and help them" said Abdul.

Everyone was shocked.

"I know it's a little insane but we had no other options. Evacuate the children to the other place. Set a battlefield and women must be with the children. If anyone likes to have a battle, younger ones are welcome" said Abdul.

Zuba evacuated the women and children to the new shelters as only men and young women stayed. Lions and tigers howled as if the thunder was about to run. It was such that Abdul and Sehara explored all of Peaceland. They marched with the elephants, farting with skunks and wrestled with tigers. Even Sabu was ready.

He was thinking about his past life and children who died sometime before Abdul entered. He was in such condition that the tree barks were broken, the glass shattered and everything was broke because of the incident. As Abdul saw Sabu was sitting quiet in the field.

"Sabu, is there something you are thinking?" asked Abdul.

"You know, Abdul, there was a time I had a wife and two children. They were killed by the Prime Minister, Qifar and savages while they tried to explore the world. Correct me, if I am wrong. I am not like the pessimists who really think man are bad because God created all of us. No matter what? We all must have to die but if you kill yourself, you will never get a next life or never answer a question when the Day of Resurrection comes" said Sabu calmly.

"It is correct, Sir" said Capren calmly.

"No matter how the Battle for Peace goes, it's not about winning or losing but we might spread peace. That's our achievement" said Abdul.

Sehara was training as a martial artist with a wooden stick Zuba gave. Kara was looking at her fighting skills where she stabbed and kicked off a dummy made out of leaves, wooden barks and stones with a shape of a doll. After their rigorous training, the animals slept except for Capren, Kara, Zuba, Abdul and Sehara.

Abdul and Sehara were running towards the fireflies and colorful butterflies. They cheered up and laughing all along by rejoicing their romance last before the battle. Capren was eating too much of 'junk' fruit that he forgot to take care of his belly button. Kara and Zuba were watching Abdul and Kara's romance.

"You know? Abdul realized something in his life. If they leave their ego, they 'might get a peaceful life" said Zuba.

"Yeah. It is such regarding The Emperor, Shahbaz. He also understood the meaning of life while he had a romance with his Empress, Khairun" said Kara.

"He'll make a history of Peaceland. He'll have an achievement that might be that he might become famous for all the right reasons" said Zuba.

After their romance, Abdul was sitting in the hut, resting. He saw a cat and two kittens were doing their supper. The cat was a little far while she was watching the children who were eating but after the kittens finished their supper, she came to eat. The sacrifice! Abdul was touched to see the moment that he was actually realizing the value of parental guidance and their sacrifices. He was mourning, if he could say to his father 'I love you'.

"Son" said Sabu who put his paws gently on Abdul's hand.

"Sir" said Abdul calmly.

"You know, son. What my father used to say?" said Sabu.

"No, sir" said Abdul.

"It is never too late to express your love towards his loved ones. But never regret what you have or what you do" said Sabu.

"I remember, when I used to be selfish but I was thinking that why have I done that? I was supposed to be a better son, a better person like my mom and dad" said Abdul.

"May be, life is short and one but you can utilize your life in a different manner" said Sabu.

Sehara's presence made Abdul and Sabu smile. She gently kissed Abdul's cheeks and turns it with a mouth to mouth. Capren closed his eyes and was disgusted with the kiss. His cute blush was such that the kiss was interrupted and all laughed at Capren's antics.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now