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Chapter Fourteen

Next morning, Abdul woke up. As he came out with the tent, he saw Zuba was nowhere to be found. He searched Zuba by the trees, lion's den and the pond.

"Where is Zuba?" asked Abdul.

"Zuba is on leave for a week. In his absence, I am in charge of the training. Your training will start tomorrow" said Sabu.

Therefore, Abdul was walking towards the woods where Capren was eating the bananas.

"Brother, sir. How's everything?" asked Capren.

"Just need something to spend time with. Tomorrow's the training" said Abdul.

"Watch out for the goofy looking tiger! He might scratch you to death. Anyways, as you are under training tomorrow, hope you see the deer tribes...Oh sorry, I shouldn't have said that!" whispered Capren.

That left Abdul a little doubtful about the event.


As Abdul and Sabu went outside the lion's den, they went over an oak forest. It had full of rivers while the colorful insects were roaming around. The skunks were hiding under grasses and bushes, the duo walked on to the forest as they crossed through a waterfall. It was so mesmerizing that cold air used to come under the trees. Therefore, Sabu pointed at two deer were wrestling with their horns. The other animals such as rabbits, skunks, foxes, cows and even donkeys cheered up the winning deer. As they wrestle each other, one of them was bumped off that they fell down. The defeated bowed down.

"This is called the real wrestling. Dango and I will train you with the most part" said Sabu.

"Who's Dango?" asked Abdul.

"Oh, sorry, the one who pushed off the other deer. His name is Lango, his brother. Despite both are champions of the deer wrestling, Lango is no match for Dango. Some used to call Lango an outcast but his wrestling prowess proved that he is not" said Sabu.

While the other animals looked at The Lion, they bowed down. Then both Dango and Lango, came in front of Sabu and bowed down.

"Greetings, Your Majesty. How can I serve you?" said Dango and Lango.

"No need to serve, just I am here to train this human to wrestle Roko, my adviser" said Sabu.

"The Chosen One?" everyone exclaimed and muttered.

"But he..." said Dango.

"No, he can do it!" said Sabu.

Both the brothers argued each other to train Abdul.

"Okay, both of you will train him" said Sabu.

That left both the brothers shocked as it was quite electrical. Capren came to the deer brothers.


"Oh cutie pie, I will squeeze your cheeks" said Dango.

"Stop it, Dango" said Lango.

After the argument again between brothers and Capren, Sabu roared thunderously. All of them went silent while Abdul was scared that he hid under the bushes but as he smelt a skunk, he ran away and hid into a tree.

"SILENCE! I will be here in four days. And fellow Peacelanders, you are all invited for the wrestling!" said Sabu.

Everyone was cheered up and chanted with songs.


When Abdul woke up, he had a feast with rabbits, deer and Sabu. The feast was not really a meat thing. There were baby corns, sweet potatoes, spinaches and mustards. After a long time, Abdul was eating with relish. It was such that he mixed all the items bit by bit. In some minutes of rest, Sabu came Abdul's tent and took him to the deer's field which were bound by fences.

"It's like a real wrestling field!" said Abdul with surprise.

"Zuba and Capren as well as the other ape tribes made the field. The Emperor also taught us the human ways of living despite being lifeless and someone that everyone used to hate" said Sabu.

Sabu's paw gently pushed Abdul into the field. When Abdul looked at Dango, Abdul showed some fist in his boxing spree.

"You know, I am good at boxing, COME ON DEER!" said Abdul with arrogance.

When Dango bumped him off with the horns, everyone in the animal tribe laughed. As Abdul was showing off like an arrogant celebrity, and tried to push his horns, he was bumped twice by Dango.

Everyone laughed horrendously but the roar of Sabu silenced the tribes.

"He's a child! He needs to improve more! Instead you are underestimating him? It's not appropriable! And you, Abdul, you must need to learn from your mistakes. Ego will never let you win" said Sabu.

Between some days of humiliation, Abdul was left upset. Even Sabu was silent. When he was about to jump in the waterfall, he was slipped but was grabbed by Sabu.

"Why did you save me? I am just a loser!" shouted Abdul.

"You are not a loser Abdul, you are just lost. None are born a winner, nor are born a loser, you are just preparing for an achievement!" said Sabu.

Abdul hugged Sabu's head and wept all along.

"You and Zuba are like a father to me! I thought I would not be fit to the wild but, you are so kind that I could not think of the 'Townsville'!" wept Abdul.

"Be calm. Even you lose yourself, you find out the reality" said Sabu.


Meanwhile, Abdul thought Sabu was gone. Therefore, he saw a tree branch which was vertically stiff. During that time, Abdul was roughly bearded, a little long haired and was still of a good health during his city life. Most girls might be impressed with his looks if he was not in Peaceland. Anyways, he jumped off to the branch and pushed off. He was so in sweat that he was supposed to lose some energy, instead, he absorbed more of it. Therefore, he bumped off Jango and Lango, everyone chanted him.

After the chant, the winds flowing through the forest. They saw Zuba and the monkey tribes were present with grandness. Everyone, even Sabu was silenced with respect by bowing but Zuba said "Enjoy"

Everyone cheered up.

"How's the training?" asked Zuba to Sabu.

"It's really good! He's learning something! But someone needs to teach him some stealth" said Sabu.

"I will handle that, where's Abdul?" said Zuba.

"He's over there, playing with the rabbits" said Sabu.

Abdul was playing with the little rabbits and dancing like Hobbiton folks. They tapped and singing the chants. Zuba came near Abdul.

"Abdul, tomorrow is the final training! Learn how to make a stealth!" said Zuba.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now