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Chapter Seventeen

"Good morning,

Ladies and Gentlemen. Today, there will be a big fight between The Tiger and The Chosen One. The Chosen One is warming up with push-offs and the tiger was greeting his fans. Today, there will be a horrendous match, we need to see, if The Chosen One and The Tiger wins! Ready, steady, GO!" said Capren who was commentating loudly.

As Abdul was circling around as well as Roko. Both stared and growled at each other. Roko started to jump off through Abdul but he rolled himself to the corner.

"OH! Roko missed the shot!" shouted Capren.

"You are trained well. How do you do that?" asked Roko.

"How did I do that? It doesn't matter but a tiger's scratch can create rabies" said Abdul.

"Not here in Peaceland" said Roko and his paws were attempting to scratch Abdul but he vanished into the shadowy forest. As Roko was looking for him in the forest, he was kicked hard by Abdul from the back. It was hurt so bad that Roko even scratched a bit in the stomach side when they got back to the field. Abdul punched The Tiger's belly button that his tooth fell out. Roko scratched him that blood came out from his mouth. It was in the sands of Peaceland. Roko and Abdul were under the extreme sweat that both crippled from the sands. They felt exhausted. Despite their exhaust, Abdul punched the tiger in such a way that it flew in front of the den.

"Who taught you this technique?" moaned Roko.

"None, but myself" said Abdul.

Roko smiled.

"You are really the descendant of The Emperor" said Roko with a happy tear.

"No, you are the king" said Abdul.

"You know the reason I disliked you? I thought you are like your great grandfather, though he redeemed a little late but you redeemed so quick that I accept the defeat. I don't know the human world much as Zuba, Capren and Our Majesty does. I saw your mother who was killed by the poachers after saving my life" said Roko.

"I owe you one" said Abdul.

"As the tiger is injured, ABDUL WON THE GAME!" said Capren. All of the animals were chanting it.



All of them stood quiet. Zuba showed his disappointment but he clapped with a change of expression with a smile. Everyone was happily in tears that the skunks forgot to fart, rabbits forgot to eat the flowers and Elephants were also putting water to both Abdul and Roko to reduce the spilling blood from their trunk. Every 'people' in Peaceland clapped in such that everyone chanted them.

Since the days passed by, Roko started to forget the arrogance and grudge. Therefore, Abdul went to the tent for a rest. He saw Kara who was coming into the tent. She was in the happy mood.

"So, you won the fight but can you protect Peaceland from the enemies?" said Kara.

"What do you mean?" asked Abdul.

"The Prophecy somehow revealed the things but not all. You need to find it yourself" said Kara.

"Kara, Zuba wants to see you today. You can at least talk to him, despite your complex relationships" said Abdul.

"Okay, Zuba and I will show you how we met the Emperor and how our friendship broke" said Kara.

"You guys were friends? I cannot believe a strange creature like you!" said Abdul.

"How could you believe? Zuba was young and unwise back then. You know, in human terms 'peppy youth' " said Kara.

Kara left out of the tent. Therefore, Abdul realized that some parts of the pensive were an answer.

At night, Abdul went out of the lion's den. He saw the colorful fireflies were spreading around the trees, where hills were scattered in the corner of the woods. It was so large that it was difficult to climb up, even for the mountaineers. He walked around the Elephants who were marching around. He saw the rabbits who were eating carrots. There was a waterfall which flows as if the water was flying from the hilly areas. All of a sudden, Capren came into Abdul's shoulder. Abdul chuckled.

"Capren, what are you doing?" chuckled Abdul.

"The Wise Sir told me to watch over you. If you arrive safely, you might have a meeting in the pensive" said Capren.

"Are you allowed to go to the pensive?" asked Abdul.

"If Zuba sir or higher elites are present, yes sir but their absence, no sir. We all are the forest spirits. But especially to the ones who can able to utilize the gift you have" said Capren.

THE PEACELAND TRILOGY (For Critics Only) #Wattys2020Where stories live. Discover now