chapter 1

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Author's pov:
Riya wore a black kurti with pink colour leggings and dupatta. She sat infront of dressing table and applying light makeup and mascara then she took her phone and college bag finally checking herself infront of the mirror to go to college.

She came downstairs her mother cooking in kitchen and her brother is reading newspaper in dinning room. She went and sat besides her brother who didn't notice her presence and reading on newspaper.

" Good morning Ishan" said riya sarcastically she knows her brother wants her to call anna(elder brother in tamil).
"riya how many times I need to tell you to call me anna why you doing this everytime" said ishan.

"Oh now my brother wants some respect from his sissy who didn't notice that she is here,how sad" said riya with smirk.

"And anyway you didn't say good morning till now either" said riya trying to be irritated but she can't because she loves her brother so much.

"Hi my babies good morning" came latha with their breakfast.

"Good morning ma" said both riya and ishan in unison.

"Now have your breakfast and get lost" said latha naughtly.

"Hi darling"said shruthi came and sat besides ishan and pinched his cheek she knows how to irritate Ishan very well. Shruthi is riya's bestfriend she spend most of the time in riya's home. They both joined in same university and shruthi loves to irritate Ishan.

"Shruthi if you're not moving now, then you know what I am capable of doing,right?"Ishan blackmailed.

"Fine fine i know what you're capable of kiddo"said shruthi and came near me."let's catch up evening honey "she said and waved to Ishan and dragged me out.

"Why do you love to irritate my brother" asked riya.

"I love to see that funny expression on your brother's face"laughed shruthi.

They both took the scooty and drove to college. They are in final semester so they need to work hard to complete their project. These two are always late to college. So gokul always wait for them. They joined gokul and went to their classes.

After two periods of introduction about thier subjects and project they went to canteen for lunch.

Riya order cheese sandwich and mint lemon, Shruthi order hamburger and fries while gokul ordered bread toast with mini burger. They took their food went to sit near the glass door. The view will be nice to watch from there and this is their usual place to hang out in college.

They talked about movies,tennis and riya loves tennis she is playing in the tennis club in college. Soon they're gonna join in senior tennis championship this year.

While they talking harish came and sat besides riya. They don't like harish because he proposed riya three times and she rejected all the three times. Everytime when he tries to spend time with riya these two will help her to make some silly excuses and escape.

"Riya this is final semester, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Its great to complete my degree and I feel good" she said while smirking.

" What You will miss the student life and you will also miss me" he pouted on her.

"Seriously harish that is the last hope I have " she faked her cry.

"Come on riya give me last chance please"he said.

"That's it come on riya let's move" shruthi dragged riya with her and went outside of the canteen.

"dude if you come near riya one more time I will not stand here and talk with you,got it" Gokul warned harish.

"What a great start of new semester"huffed riya.

"No honey you got us so this is the great start of last semester" said Gokul they three hugged each other.

"So the hugging session is over let's move to the classes"said shruthi runned towards the class.

Usually we three will sit together but this new professor making boys and girls sit separate in his class that making us to hate him. And we attended three classes now the classes are over they decided to head to riya's house to hang out.

Shruthi and riya drove scooty and gokul drove bike(he loves bike,bike is like a girlfriend to him).

They all went to riya's room and decided to watch some random movies in laptop and riya's mom gave some snacks while watching.

Now the time is 9:30pm they need to headed to their home and riya's mom latha aunty forcing them to have dinner but they already filled their tummy with full of snacks. So they bid bye and left.

Riya went and took a quick shower and changed into comfortable pjs .

Riya went and took a quick shower and changed into comfortable pjs

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The pj riya wore.

Riya went downstairs and sat besides her mom in sofa. "Amma(mother in tamil) where is anna" she asked.

"I am also waiting for him your father went for trip and see your brother is always late nowadays"said latha while sighing.

"Don't worry amma he will be here anytime wait I call him" said riya dailled to Ishan.

phone conversation:
R refers to riya
I refer to ishan

R:hey anna where are you now?
I: one my way to home,why?
R:come soon anna ,amma is worried about you.
I: tell her to not worry I will be there within 10 minutes.
R:ok bubye
I: bye.

"See ma he is on the way now don't worry" riya said.

"You go to bed it's late honey " latha said.

"Ok ma goodnight" riya said while kissing her mother.

"Goodnight sweetheart"latha said.

riya went to her room, she read books before sleep and while reading sleep took over her.

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