chapter 70

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Riya's pov:

"Yes" I said and hugged him tightly.

He also hugged me back " Really " He asked me.

I broke the hug and looked at him "I will come home " I said.

He cupped my face and came near my face to kiss me but I pulled back from him. He looked at me confusingly " What happened " He asked me.

"I agreed to come home but I will never forgive you " I said and looked down.

"Okay I can understand that, I know soon you will forgive me " He said and started to drink his coffee.

I stood up " I'm going down " I said and came outside the room.

Did I made a right choice, I can't be with him alone in any home. But staying with mom, dad and meera is making me so happy and peaceful. I believe I made a right decision and let's see what will happen in future.

I went down to see Meera and my brother where talking. I love Meera is so sweet and friendly to everyone. She makes everyone comfortable and happy around her.

I went and sat next to her " Anni when are you coming home, it's so boring without you " She said.

"I will come soon, so what about your higher studies " I asked her.

"I am going to do MBA, so preparing for the exam " She said.

"Superb MBA has a bright future" Ishan told her.

"Yes okay when are you going to get married to Shruthi akka " She asked him.

Ishan started to blush, "OMG the name shruthi is making you blush. It is so adorable " Meera started to tease him.

"Stop it Meera " He said.

"They will get married soon Meera next week we're going to meet their family " I said to her.

"So we have one marriage function to attend. We need to go for shopping" Meera said excitedly.

"Yes we will have lot's of fun too " I said.

"What fun without me " Said Gowtham while climbing down.

"Anna Ishan mama is going to get married soon " Meera said to Gowtham.

"Wow Ishan congratulations, when is the marriage " He asked Ishan.

"It is not fixed yet, next week only we're going to meet their family" Ishan said.

"Okay all the best " Gowtham said.

"Meera it's getting late come on let's go" He said and turned to me.

"When are you coming home " He asked me.

"Next week after Ishan marriage fixed " I said.

"Okay I'll come and get you, take rest and eat healthy. If you want anything call me " He said.

I nodded my head and they both greeted everyone and then bid bye. I came inside and Ishan looked at me.

"So you're going back to your home ah " He asked me.

"Yes I'm" I said.

"I knew about you, you're always like this " He said.

"Like what " I asked him.

"You love your husband so much, so you can't resist him " He said.

" Ishan I know I love him, but this is not about love " I said.

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