chapter 31

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Riya's Pov:

I was lying down in my bed staring at the ceiling. I woke up at 7'o clock now the time is 11 am. I don't feel like doing anything. I skipped my college today, I can't face the fact that my marriage is a failure. But the thing is how my parents are going to face it. I regret marrying him. I don't know how either of our parents will take this. I want to get out of this home asap. From the first day I was saying that I hate him, but deep down my heart know that like him. That's why it was more hurting now. 

My phone is not with me, I don't feel like alive. I went to my restroom did my daily routine and took a shower. I changed my dress and again lied down on the bed. I don't have enough energy to do anything or face him. I just want some peace and some more sleep. After like 30 minutes, I again fell asleep.

Again I woke up, now the time is 6'o clock. I just washed my face and went to my balcony. I was just sitting there and watching the busy roads on the city. I want to talk to be with my family now. I never went outside my room the entire day afraid he is still in the same mood. Next I woke up so early I packed my bags with few dresses and took a shower and wore a yellow kurti with white pants, I took my college bag and luggage bag and slowly went outside. I was praying that I should not run into him. I went downstairs I saw my phone in the table, I took it and hurried outside the house. 

I was now in the cab going to my parents home. I reached there at 8'o clock, I went inside and my mom was working in the kitchen. I dropped my bag down and ran and hugged her back and started to cry. 

My mom was shocked to see me in the morning "Riya what happened ma, why are you crying" mom asked me. she turned and hugged me and trying to console me. My dad and my brother everyone came to the kitchen hearing my voice.

After seeing my dad I broke down miserably, I hugged him" What happened riya, talk to me" he asked.

"Let's make her sit first" Ishan said.

Dad took me to the hall and made me sit next to him on sofa. Mom gave me a water to drink. 
"what happened riya, why are you here so early" she asked me.

I first thought to tell the truth,I don't want to make them worry.I know one day everyone comes to know the truth but I don't want today to be that day. I came up some lie" nothing ma I had a bad dream about you. That's why I came here to see you before going to college" I told her.

"oh sweety, you just came for that" she said.

"why I should not come to my home" I asked her.

"ofcourse you can come whenever you want" she said.

"mom I was hungry" I told her.

"wait for five I'll come with your favourite" she said and went inside the kitchen.

"okay why you came with your luggage" Ishan asked me.

"I am going to stay for few more day, happy" I asked him.

"not at all" he said.

"appa see him na" I complained to my father.

"leave him girl, you know your brother misses you so much" he said.

"I know that" I went and hugged my brother. "please keep my luggage in my room " I said to him.

"yes mam" he said and went upstairs with the bag.

Mom called everyone to the dinning table to have breakfast. I ran and sat at the table she served me a yummy dosai with tomato chutney. It's like a heaven to me.

 It's like a heaven to me

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