chapter 47

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Riya's pov:

Today is shwetha's baby shower function. We all were so busy for past three days. Finally the day has come, makeup artist came and she already started her work. Our home was beautifully decorated, catering service was about to come, all our guests also will arrive in an hour. My parents and brother also came early today. I received them and made them sit in a seating area. Now  currently I'm in my room with my mom, getting ready for function. Gowtham came and took his dress and went to another room to get ready.(usually this happens in every function home right,  we ladies won't give any privacy, time or room to men to get ready😅😅😅. Typical Indian home)

I was getting ready in my room.I neatly drapped my saree and mom helped me with it. I was wearing a peach  and leafy green colour saree with a designer green colour blowse.

Saree Riya wore

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Saree Riya wore.

I was getting ready then We heard a knock on the door. Mom went and answered it, Meera came inside with her dress.

"What happened meera, you never got ready ah" I asked her.

"Anni you need to help me wear this half saree" She pouted.

"Come meera I will help you with this" Mom said.

Mom helped meera in wearing half saree and I did my hair and makeup.Meera was wearing a pale pink with green colour half saree set. Finally after half an hour we both got ready.

Dress Meera wore

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Dress Meera wore.

"Meera you were looking beautiful" I said to her.

"Thanks anni and you were looking awesome anni. I'm sure today anna will have heart attack after seeing you"she said and that made me blush.

" Meera stop it" I said.

we all went outside to receive our guests. I went to check on shwetha, I entered inside her room kushi was doing shwetha's hair and shwetha's mom and sister was also there to give her a company.

"Welcome aunty, when did you guys arrived" I asked them.

"Just now riya, how are you" She asked me.

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