chapter 59

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Riya's pov:

The function was amazing, Aaradhya baby was so cute and everyone took photos with her. I was talking with karthick anna and meera someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to see who it was " Hi babe " Raj said with smile and a flower in his hands.

"Hi Raj, you are late " I said to him.

He grinned at me " Come on Riya you know about me " He said and hugged me.

"Raj this is Meera my sis-in-law, and this is karthick anna Gowtham's best friend" I said to him.

"Hi you both and I'm Riya's cousin Raj " He said and introduced himself.

We were chatting and Gowtham also came and stood next to me. "Hi Gowtham" Raj said.

"Hi Raj " Gowtham replied with a tight smile.

"Riya where is the baby " Raj asked me.

"Why you want to hold her " I asked him and he nodded his head as yes.

"Let me get her " Meera said and went away.

"You are crazy about kids dude " I said.

"Yes they are so cute and bubbly, I'm always good with kids " He said proudly.

"Gowtham what about you " Raj asked him.

"Raj don't even ask that, he was even afraid to hold them " Karthick anna said and we all started to laugh.

"Riya I don't know how you are going to handle him with your baby " Raj said.

"That's why I told you to marry me, you missed it. " Raj said.

"Raj stop it " I said and looked at Gowtham who was glaring at Raj. If looks will kill I'm sure Raj will be dead right now.

"Come on, I even proposed the marriage to you, you never said this to Gowtham " He asked me.

I was trying to say something but thank god meera came with baby and gave the baby to Raj. Raj was now busy with the baby and taking selfies with them.

I was looking at Gowtham with the pleading eyes but he is beyond angry he was looking pissed off.

Suddenly Raj pulled me to him to take selfie and Meera and Karthick anna also joined us.

"Gowtham come let's take selfie " Raj called him.

"It's okay you guys carry on " Gowtham said and was about to go away. But I holded his hand and pulled him to stand next to me and made his hand around my shoulder and I hugged his waist.

Raj took selfie and made us give different poses. Then we all went to have dinner and Aaradhya was started to cry. We all were helping shwetha to cool down the baby. But Aaradhya was not planning to stop the crying.

Finally Raj started to play like a Mickey Mouse and then baby stepped crying and shwetha went inside the room to feed her.

All the guests started to leave and Raj also took his leave. I helped mom and meera to clean the house and then later went to my room. I went inside to see Gowtham is working in his laptop and went to the wardrobe and took a dress to change and went inside the restroom. I got fresh up and changed into the dress and came outside.

I went and kept my jewelry in the jewelry box and kept inside the wardrobe and came and sat on the dressing table and combed my hair and made into a messy bun. I went and stood next to Gowtham "Gowtham come let's go to sleep " I called him.

"You go and sleep I will join you" He said.

"Are you again jealous on Raj " I asked and sat next to him.

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