chapter 48

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Gowtham's pov:

I was working in a office,Its been a two day after that baby shower function. I was working hard for past two days because from tomorrow I will be spending time with my wife without any disturbance. I was so excited for my honeymoon,We will be together for each and every seconds. I was planning a surprise for her. I gave all the important files to my PA for upcoming meetings and presentation. Dad will be incharge of everything in my absence at my office. and Krishnan anna is also here so far I have no worries about work.

Yesterday also I went late to home due to work. Riya is the one who is waiting for me. she is also busy in packing our bags and waiting for me as always. I am so lucky to get her as a wife. She is so understanding,always taking care of my needs. From next day I will be the one who will be taking care of her,I will shower her will love. Now time is 11:30 pm, probably waiting for me. So I packed my bag and hurried to my car. I hop on and now driving to my home. I was also planning to move to our home after our honeymoon. where we will get lot of privacy and time to ourself. Not complaining but there she don't need to be shy and that will be her home where she is the queen and I will be the king. Hope she likes this surprise.

I parked my car and went inside the home, I was expecting Riya is the one who will be waiting for me. But mom was sitting in a hallway waiting for me.

After seeing me mom stood up and came near me" gowtham why are you so late, see the time son" she said.

"mom I had lot of work to finish" I said.

"where is riya,why are you up this late" I asked her.

"Riya is in the room, I only told her to take some rest. she was doing lot of chores today" She said.

"okay dear go freshen up and come,I will serve your dinner" mom said.

"okay ma" I said and went to my room.

I entered inside, room was dark I went near the bed and saw Riya was sleeping like a baby. we have early flight tomorrow, I think that's why mom told her to sleep early. I went to my wardrobe and took my night dress and went inside the washroom. After got freshen up and changing the dress I went down were mom  was waiting for me.

"come and have dinner" mom called me.

I had my dinner in silent."from tomorrow you should not think about office and family. only one person should be in your mind and you know whom I am referring too" mom said.

"I know ma" I said.

"now go and sleep soon, you need to wake up early" mom said.

"okay ma. goodnight" I said and went upstairs to my room.

I entered inside and locked the room and joined her in bed. I was trying to sleep, but without holding her close to me I am unable to sleep. So I took her in my arms without disturbing her sleep and fell asleep.  

I was in a deep sleep when someone was shaking me. I turned to other side and tried to sleep. Then I heard Riya's voice saying"Gowtham wake up or else we will miss our flight".

I jerked off and sat on my bed and realised the situation. She sat next to me with a worried face"what happened Gowtham, Are you tired" She asked me.

"no no. I was just feeling sleepy. what is the time" I asked her.

"4:30 am. Now go and get change we need to head to the airport" she said and stood up.

"here is your dress" she handed over me a dress. I took from her and went inside the restroom. I did my routine and got changed and went outside.

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