chapter 24

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Gowtham's pov:

Next day morning I woke up early I feel so energized today. I went to gym and had a Blissful morning session. After 2 hours heavy work out! I went to home, riya was never woke up. When I return from gym riya will be in kitchen cooking my breakfast but today she is not here. I went to room took a hot shower and choose to wear a dark blue armani suit. I gelled  my hair perfectly. Today I have a conference meeting with my clients. So I took my laptop bag and my iphone and went down. She is still never came down.

I was  correcting some error in the presentation. She came  down I could sense her gaze were on me. I know she is drooling over me. But I not even looked up from my laptop. She was dressed in black jeans and maroon tank top. And left her hair to flow. She then went inside the kitchen. She came within few minutes and was standing in front of me.

Suddenly she spoke" see I can't cook today. I was already running late.I will make something night" after telling me she went to dinning table I stood up and followed her. She don't know I was behind her, she took her bag and phone and turned to go.she was collided with my jard chest. She looked up and saw me. She was staring at me like she don't know why I was blocking her. How dare she is. I was waiting for her to make my breakfast. She comes and tell she can't cook and she was not even concern about me. Just like that she was going to go. After few seconds  "What you want " she asked me.

"I need my breakfast" I told her. I was furious but I'm trying to act calmly  .

"But I was running late" she told me.

"Do you think I care. I need my breakfast now" I said to her. She is not worried about me then why should I need to worry about her studies.

"Gowtham if I went late to college. They don't even allow me inside. I took lot of leave already. I can't be absent again" she was trying to convince me.

"I said I don't care about you. All I care is my breakfast" I told her again.

"I'm leaving. I can't make for you" she was shouting at me. How dare she is, She took one step forward but I pulled her wrists harshly " I said I need my breakfast. You can't go anywhere without making food for me" I told her she was struggling to come out of my grip. Poor girl what she think I do in gym at every morning. I tightened my  grip on her more. The more you struggle the more hard it will get.

"Gowtham I was already late for class. Please understand my situation" she said softly.

"See I asked food. After preparing it you can go anywhere" I told her sternly.

"Okay leave it. I will make something for you" she finally said and went inside the kitchen.

I again went and sat on sofa and resumed my work. After like 10 minutes I heard  bike horn sound coming from outside. She hurriedly came with her college bag " I prepared food. Please have it. I'm leaving" she said and went outside.

I was so curious, so I went outside and saw my wife was wearing a helmet and going with another that too in bike. I was so angry. She is married to Gowtham venkatraman. She never cared about me or my respect. She could have asked me to drop her. But she asked help from another person. I went inside and throws the food in the dustbin and took and laptop bag and got ready to go to my office.

I drove to my office.when I entered inside everyone was greeting me. Usually I'll always nod my head as response. But today I just went to my cabin. I got settled down and called my PA through intercom.

"Come to my office, right now" I said to her.

I heard the knock and door opened. My PA came with the notepad "sir you called me" she asked.

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