chapter 62

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Gowtham's pov:

I was frustrated how could she choose baby over me. I will give up everything even my life for her. But she can't even give the baby for me. Or am I expecting too much from her. She took her bag and stromed our of our home. I'm not going to beg for her to stay with me. Let her live her life she wants. I am sitting in a same position for more than 2 hours now.

I stood up and went out and locked the door and took my car and went to the club where I used to hang out often before my marriage.

I ordered my drink took my usual place. You guys think I'm crazy, Physcopath but I don't care. All I care about is Riya my Riya how dare she choose that baby not me.

I completed whole 5 bottles, someone sat in front of me. " Dude what are you doing here " Some man asked me.

"Who are you " I asked him.

"You stupid I'm your friend karthick " He said.

"Karthick my friend, you're the only person who never changed in my life " I said and started to drink again.

"Gowtham what happened, I thought you quit drinking" He asked me.

"Yes I quit for my Riya but she is no more with me. So I started again " I said.

"What are you saying " He asked me.

"Dude she went away, she decided  other person over me, can you believe that " I asked him.

"Gowtham you're drunk come let's go to home " He called me.

"Home I have no home karthick, my home is empty without her. I won't go there " I said and lied down in table.

Next day morning I woke up with severe headache and looked at my surroundings. I am not in my room, then only I checked the place this is karthick's room. I felt like emptying my stomach so I rushed to the restroom. I vomited and then washed my mouth and came outside to see Karthick is sitting in a sofa.

I went and sat next to him, "here take this painkiller you will feel better " He said and gave me the pills and glass of water.

I had the pills and then " How did I end up here " I asked him.

"Dude you don't remember what happened yesterday " He asked me.

"No tell me " I said.

"God you were crying me to not to take youbto your home, and started to break all the stuffs in bar. So I took you to my place with no other choice " He said.

I placed both my hands on my knees and held my head due to headache. " What happened bro " He asked me.

"I thought you guys were happy that moving in to your home. Now you were drinking and not going to your home. What actually happened" He asked me again.

"She went to her parents home" I said.

"Why did you guys fight again " He asked me.

"Sort of " I said.

"I'm tried with your short answers, tell me in detail " He asked angrily.

"Riya is pregnant" I said slowly.

"Wow congrats bro, this is a big news " He said.

"And I told her to choose between me and the baby " I said.

"What why did you do that " He asked me.

"Because I love her, I don't like to share her with anyone " I shouted.

"But that's your baby dude " He stated.

"I fucking know that" I said.

"You're a crazy bitch " He said.

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