chapter 72

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Riya's pov:

Next day morning I woke up and took a quick shower and did my routine and dressed into a simple black Palazzo with a white top. I came outside and dried my hair to see Gowtham was still sleeping.

I went down to see Mom was already in the kitchen. "Maa I can't able to beat you in waking up early. " I said and hugged her back.

"Nobody can beat me dear " She said and gave me a cup of protein milk.

We both went to the backyard and started to enjoy our drink. "Amma I will go by afternoon itself ma, you guys should come early too " I said.

"I know dear don't worry" She said.

"And bring our gift also, you take care of it " I said.

"Command received mam " She said.

"Amma don't tease me" I said.

"You just relax and enjoy your brother's engagement" She said.

"Where is Gowtham " She asked me.

"Still sleeping" I said.

Then we both went inside and started to prepare breakfast for everyone. We decided to prepare a idli and sambar. I was working in a kitchen suddenly Gowtham came and hugged my back. I stunned and tried to take his hold from my waist.

"Gowtham what are you doing, Amma will see us" I said.

"Just now I saw her going outside and your phone is the one who wake me up " He said and gave me the phone.

I opened and saw Shwetha called me. Actually I am angry on her for not coming to the function. I can understand her situation but I can't able to accept the fact. So she was trying to compromise me.

I turned around and looked at Gowtham " You go and sleep for some time, I will come and wake you up " I said.

"No I will stay with you here " He said.

"Gowtham we need to go by afternoon itself, we have lots of work there. So you go and take some rest " I said.

He kissed my both cheeks and then my forehead, I placed my hand on his chest to stop. He took my hand and kissed it. " Riya when will you come back to me " He asked me.

I stood still and looked down " Gowtham the wound you created in my heart is so deep, it takes some time to heal "I said.

" I can't able to wait babe, I love you and I love our baby. I am even ready to die for both of you " He said.

"I know but time will heal everyone's wound " I said.

"Okay" He said and kissed my forehead once again and went away from me.

I looked at his back who is going upstairs, I felt hurt looking his stumbled body. I know he hurted me more but looking him like this is more hurting me. I just want to run to him and hug him tight like my whole life depends on him. But I am holding me back to make him realise how big his mistake is so that he can never repeat it again in our life.

I resumed my work and mom also came and we both finished cooking. I went upstairs to call both meera and Gowtham for breakfast. I first went to Meera's room and knocked on the door.

"Meera breakfast is ready come down soon " I said.

"Okay anni in a minute " She shouted from inside.

I went to our room and opened the door to see Gowtham was wearing t-shirt, he looked at me " Breakfast is ready come down " I said.

He nodded his head and I went down to the dinning table. Mom already placed the dishes in the table.

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