chapter 64

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Riya's pov:

"Riya " Screamed my name.

"Stop screaming idiot " I said.

"How dare you run away, don't you know how we guys are worried about you. And you calling me calmly after 4 days. You idot, stupid and that too you're pregnant Riya are you insane, did you think about others especially your parents" He started scolding me.

"Gokul please stop it, I was angry on him. That's why I choose to go away where he can't find me " I said.

"Riya you're pregnant for God sake. How irresponsible you're" He shouted in anger.

"Okay fine where are you tell me " He asked me.

"Gokul don't get angry first listen to me" I said.

"Don't get angry Riya we are searching for you in every place and even we filed a missing complaint in police station" He said.

"What filed a report, Gokul please tell the police that I'm safe and finish the report " I said.

"Riya why did you never came to me, do you think I will not help your or care about you " He asked me.

I cried on phone " Stop crying, tell me the address I'll come and get you " He asked.

"First I'm safe and I don't want to see him Gokul " I told him.

"I know that I won't let him come near you " He said.

"Gokul promise me you won't give this number to anyone, just tell my parents I'm fine and I'll come to them soon " I said.

"Riya don't talk rubbish " He said irritatedly.

"Gokul if you don't promise me I'll switch off this number also " I warned him.

"Tell me about your whereabout I won't tell anyone " He said.

" Don't scold me okay, actually I'm with Raj " I said.

"What the heck " He shouted in anger.

"Riya you definitely lost your mind " He said.

"Don't tell anyone about my whereabout just tell them I'm safe and fine " I said.

"Okay just give me the address " He asked me.

"Why " I asked him.

" I will come and see you " He said.

" I'll tell you later " I said.

" Riya you have everyone, your parents, me, shruthi and your brother Ishan. Why you went to him " He asked me.

"I know you all are there for me, but I want to be in a place where one no will talk about him " I said.

"Okay Riya stay safe I'll call you later and attend my call okay " He said and hung up the call.

After talking with him, I felt relax and felt safe now. I just want to see my mom now but he wants to know how stubborn I'm about this issue.

Later at evening Raj came home and sat on sofa " So you called your friends " He asked me.

"Did Gokul contacted you " I asked him.

"Yes " He said.

"Raj if he is rude to you please don't mind him " I said.

" I can understand his situation, even I will behave like that only if I have been in his place. So no problem " He said.

"Did you tell him the address " I asked Raj.

"Nope, I never gave  him the address why do you want me to give " Raj asked me.

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