chapter 4

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Riya pov:

This week went very fastly. Today is friday after completing my online test for that inerview I went to my favourite icecream parlour and  order butterscotch. While waiting I took my mobile and played a game. My order came, so I digged in. I saw one small poor boy stand near icecream parlour and I bought one more ice cream and gave it to him after seeing the smile in that face I felt like flying. I went to my home and help my ma with household chores and went to sleep.
      Next day morning I woke up at 10 'o clock and after completing my daily routine I went downstairs.
Shruthi and gokul came in and we planned to go to movie. So I went to my room to change. I decided to wear blue denim jeans with black t-shirt and done my hair in plots.

 I decided to wear blue denim jeans with black t-shirt and done my hair in plots

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Dress riya wore.

We all went to the mall after getting tickets we went inside theatre and we sat in order shruthi,me and gokul. Besides this is the horror movies so I prefer to sit in the middle for safety. After all the screaming movie came to an end. We went to the nearby restaurant and ordered three chicken biriyani and chicken lollipop, with fry and two lemon juice and one strawberry milkshake. We took lot of selfies and after the dishes came we dig in. We all had our late lunch and headed to the beach after playing there for 2 hours we all decided to go home. So me and shruthi drove my scooty and after dropping shruthi I went to my home.

My dad,mom and ishan everyone was in living room they all looked so serious. So I decided to be silent and went inside. My father called me " riya how is college life going?" He asked politely. I sighed " this is final sem pa so lot's of work for project and placement. I am preparing for placement pa yesterday I took online test for one company within tomorrow results will be announced" I said happily.

"And my tennis tournament is on next month so I am working on it also pa" I completed.

" pretty much ah" ishan said.

"Sweety listen carefully what ever I do is for your best only don't hate your appa" appa said sadly.

"I know pa I trust you in everything you don't worry i won't hate you" I replied.

"So tell me what is going on?" I asked. Everyone is silent now and dad started" you are going to get married at the end of this semester" he said.

"Ok now it's easy see..... Wait WHATTTT" I was shocked to realize what dad told after recalling everything I started "Are you kidding,right" I asked.

Mom said"riya this is for your sake only honey, however you are going to get married right so we want you to marry now".

"No I am not getting married to the stranger and I have a dream about my job and I want to experience my job I don't want to get married so soon" I said without knowing myself tears are started to flow.

"Listen sweety first hear what I am saying ok"  said dad I sighed  " groom father is my best friend we decided to be in- laws, his son own a company and they have few branches. He is very talented and most importantly he is a gentleman " appa finished.

"Whatever it is I am not marrying so soon my age is only 21 and I am not ready yet" I said and felt frustrated.

"He is 25 honey there is no pressure for you tomorrow they are going to come so let's get ready " dad said.

I felt like my life is going to complete, before one hour I enjoyed my life to heaven now I am in hell. I hate my life.I went to my room and let sleep take over me.

I woke up someone is shaking me I stood up mom was standing there "what ma" I asked while scratching my eyes. "Go get ready they will be here within 2 hours so don't be stubborn and get ready" mom said.

I went to bathroom done my daily routine and took shower and covered myself with towel and came out. Mom was standing there with beautiful pink saree and jewelery.

 Mom was standing there with beautiful pink saree and jewelery

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Saree,makeup and hairstyle riya wore.

After one hour of effort I done with everything. I don't know what I am doing but standing here to see my groom.

I could here some voices from the hall. After few minutes my mom came and called me. I was nervous now but I don't know why.  After headed to living room I welcomed them with smile and sat beside my brother. I was nervous and one aunty came and sat next to me. I think she is groom's mother she asked many questions I was answering them but never faced to see the groom because of nervousness. She seems sweet and caring. After few minutes groom's father told us to talk in privately. So they told me to take him to my room.

I walk towards my room he silently following me. After entering my room he himself sat in bed and i am standing infront of him nervously.

"You can sit" after hearing his deap voice I met his eyes. He wore navy blue shirt and sandal trousers and his hair is gelled perfectly he has broad shoulder and perfectly build body. You know what I was checking him out.

 You know what I was checking him out

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The dress gowtham wore.

He cleared his throat and I realized what I am doing and sat besides him. "What is your name" I asked him nervously.

"Seriously you don't know my name" he said.
I shaked my head to no and looking him. He sighed "Gowtham venkataraman" he said and I nodded.

After we never talked to each other and there is only a awkward silent. Then my brother call us down. We went down they all talked for a while and left and I went to my room .

Finally they both met what you guys thinking about this chapter. Do you guys want to see their outfit in upcoming chapter.plz inform me so I could work on that.

By the way don't forget to vote.tata

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