chapter 28

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Gowtham's pov:

After meera called Riya, I was angry on her and here she is standing with the another man talking and enjoying her time. I was worried about her safety. We went near her, after seeing me she was scared. I like it, you should be scared of me darling.

I went near her and pulled her wrists " I told you to wait there only, what are you doing here" I asked her.

"Sorry First this is my college mate Harish and harish this is my husband Gowtham and my sis-in-law meera" she introduced him to us. So his college mate, are they so close. why am I worried about their closeness. I am going crazy.

That harish guy forwarded his hand to shake to me but I never did the same instead I was glaring at him. Riya nudged me to shake his hands. I finally gave a shake with sigh.

"Okay Riya I going to do. Let see in campus" he said. Thank god he is going, I can't handle this kind of pressure.

"see you" Riya told him.

"wait you can join us.If you want" Meera invited Harish. Meera why you doing this to me. I brought everything for you. Here doing a very good deed for your brother.

"No meera he has lot of work to do" Riya told to her.

"Oh come on, I can't be third wheel to this couple" she mentioned us.

"If you guys have no problem, then I can join you" harish told to Meera.

We all went inside the screen after buying the tickets. Everyone is seated now, that idiot is sitting between Meera and riya.  My mind was not working properly now.

Riya was too close to him and whispering something in his ear. What the hell, I'm sitting next to her she is talking to another guy. This girl had some guts. After their whispering she turned towards me and I was glaring at her.

Movie gets started lights were off, only screen light is around the entire room. I don't know why am I doing it but I did it. I kept my hand around her shoulder. She turned and saw me.

"what you doing" she asked me.

I pulled her to him and asked" who is he" 

"I introduced him to you, he is my college mate" she told me. I know that idiot, who he is really to you.

"which department" I asked her.

"please let me watch the movie Gowtham" she told me.

"answer my question first" I was demanding the answer from her.

"mechanical " she said. Not her department but so close to watch a movie. what he is up to.

"he is not your department. how you know him" I asked her.

"Gowtham what is your problem. I'm here to watch a movie but you not letting me do it" she told me angrily and pushed my hand aside from her shoulder and started to watch a movie.

 I have no mood to watch a movie right now. I was continously  staring at her. she not even once giving me a glance. I hate it. I on't know that I like her or not but right now I need her attention only on me. I was not like that, I won't beg for anybody's attention. But right now I was praying get her single glance on me. But she was talking to him. I was sad but I don't know why. At break meera and harish went to buy some more popcorn and coke for us. Riya and myself was sitting there in a awkward silence.

"why he is here, did you call him" I asked her angrily.

"what... no " she said.

"then how he knows that you are here" I was mocking her with my questions. she should need to be treated like this.

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