chapter 46

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Riya's pov:

I was so happy to be back to my home and get back to my routine. I want to inform this to my dear friend so I called shruthi.

Conversation between shruthi and Riya. R refers to Riya and S refers to Shruthi.

R:Hi shruthi

S: Hi de, so how was our plan going so far. Did Gowtham called you.

R: yes, he did.

S:what he said.

R: I rejected his call, but he came to my home today morning.

S: Super super, what he did.

R: I can't tell in detail. But now I'm in my in-laws home.

S: what happened

R: He got rid of Nandini for me and came to take me home.

S: So You went with him just like that.

R: Yes, what do you expect me to do.

S: Did he confess his feelings to you.

R: No

S: Then why you went this early. This is not our plan.

R:No shruthi, this is not fair. He did what I asked and I need to keep my words also.

S: whatever you tell, but you should made him wait more. So that He will know your values.

R: He actually know my value. That is why he got rid of her as soon I went to my parents home.

S: okay, are you happy.

R: I am

S:That is what I want.

R: love you shruthi.

S: love you riya, okay dear gotta go bye

R: bye.

After talking with Shruthi, I also felt same. I should have made him wait, why he is not confessing his feelings to me, Or he has no feelings towards me. God why are you not letting me be happy. I decided to make him tell his love to me. But I have no plan to do it. Okay let's wait for the exact time.

I went down mom was so busy.she was writing something in a notepad. "Ma, do you need any help" I asked and sat next to her.

"Thank god, riya you came we all are in trouble" shwetha said.

"What happened" I asked her.

"We did nothing for the baby shower" Mom said.

"We still need to order food, decoration, we need invite our relatives and friends, and shopping needed to be done" Shwetha was continously speaking.

"Shwetha darling first relax, me and mom will sort out all this. You don't need to worry" I said and turned to mom.

"Ma you too relax for a minute. Then we will figure this out" I said.

"Now we need to prepare the list" I said and took the notepad from mom.



1. Food
3. Gifts for our guests

2.Invite our family and friends

3. Shopping for our family.

I wrote the list which I know and showed it to mom.

"Super, and we need to book the pandit also" She said.

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