chapter 42

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Riya's pov:

At night I was arranging my bed to sleep. I got a call from mom.

Conversation between Gowtham's mom and Riya. R refers to Riya and M refers to mom.

R: hi ma what are you doing

M: stop it Riya. Why are you doing this to me.

R: amma what I did.

M: you should not go to your parents home fighting with your husband. What they will think of us.

R: ma nobody knows anything. Don't worry ma.

M: how can I not worried. Because of him eveyone is getting punishment.

R: ma time will change everything. You please be patience, let him sort out his own problem.

M: Okay ma. Please come to our home soon.

R: I will ma. Is he came home.

M: Haan he came home, but he never had food properly.

R: okay ma good night talk to you tomorrow morning.

M: Good night dear. Tell I greeted your parents.

R: okay ma.

I lied down on my bed but sleep is far away from me. I controlled myself and tried to sleep. I was about to sleep my phone started to ring. I took my mobile Gowtham is the one who was calling me. I rejected the call and again tried to sleep but he called me again. I never attended his call.

Then whatsapp mesaage popped up in screen. I checked the message.

Chat between Gowtham and Riya. He refers to Gowtham and she refers to Riya.

He: where are you

She: In my home.

He: you are not in your home Riya

She: who said, I'm in my home only.😏😏

He: Riya you're a married women. Your parents home is not your home.

She: what you want

He: why you went to your parents home.

She: Gowtham I'm your wife not an accused.

He: Riya I'm sorry 😔😔😔

She: I don't want your sorry

He: then what should I do to get you here.

She: I want to know that you love me or not. I want you to send your ex-lover from our home.

She: I want more like this Gowtham. Are you ready to do that.

He: Riya, I will send her away soon.

She: okay when she goes out I will come in.

He: Riya I can't be here without you.

She: lets' s be pratical Gowtham, this is not a movie or drama. And I'm not a saint. She is your ex, I can't handle her staying in the same roof as mine.

She: if you want me there then send her soon.

She: bye

I switched off my mobile and started to sleep.

It's been two day I came from my home. Today my brother is going to come from his friends marriage. I don't have proper answer for him but I should not let him tell to mom and dad.

After breakfast I went to my room to declutter. I was half way through My room door opened and Ishan came inside and locked the door.

"What happened Riya, mom said you are stayed for 2 days. Is there any problem in your home" Ishan asked in one go.

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