chapter 66

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Gowtham's pov:

She looked up at me and jerked off from my hold and slapped me on my cheek and then ran away from here.

I was standing there literally in shock. Riya slapped me, I think I deserve this slap from her. Atleast after hitting me she will feel better. I am still going to be here with her, I know I'm just clinging on her and she will be feel annoyed.

But this is my family no matter what I'm going back with them only. I just wipped the place where she slapped me and started to prepare tea for her and myself.

I served tea in a cup and placed in a tray and took it and came outside. She was sitting in a couch  and watching a movie like nothing happened there before(like she never slapped her husband). I went and sat next to her and gave her a cup of tea.

But she is so rude, she ignored me and my tea. I took my cup of tea and took one sip, I hate it why did I made a shit like this. I tried so hard and swallowed it. I kept the cup aside and Riya is about to take a cup. No if she drink this tea she will never come back.

I took the tea from her hand and she looked at me.

I went near her ears " This tea is cold, I will make another one for you " I said.

"Raj here have some tea " I said and passed the cup to him.

"Thanks bro I thought you hate me " He said and took the cup.

After few seconds he threw up the tea and " Bro why you hate me so much " He yelled and ran inside the room.

We both started to laugh on him, I was laughing like no more. Then only I realized Riya is also laughing. I was looking at her how cute is she while laughing. Then she composed herself and then kept her straight face and started to watch the movie.

At night they were having dinner but she never offered me. I just kept myself starving to get some sympathy. But she is so stubborn.

Finally they went to their respective rooms and switched off all the lights. I decided to sleep on a couch but the only problem is I'm not wearing a comfortable clothes.

I knocked on the bedroom door and waiting for him to answer. He opened the door "what you want " He asked me.

"I want a shorts or something, I can't sleep in this jeans " I said.

"No I won't give you my dress " He said.

"Come on bro I am tired don't do this, just give me a shorts" I asked him.

"No I won't" He said and closed the door on my face.

I sighed and went to the couch and lied down and closed my eyes. I was trying to get a comfortable position to sleep suddenly I heard the Raj bedroom door opened. What is he trying to sneak inside Riya's room, I know he is a pervet.

I am watching him then he turned to me and came to my side and stood in front of me.

"I know you're awake so stop acting " He said.

"Why the hell should I act with you " I said and sat up.

"Here " He said and gave me blanket.

"What is this " I asked him.

"There is blanket, pillow and shorts you asked for " He said.

"Why are you giving me now, I thought you hated to give me your dress " I asked him.

"I am, but I changed my mind " He said and went to his room.

"What a bipolar " I said and started to change my dress.

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