chapter 73

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Gowtham's pov:

It's been two weeks now, our life came to an normal. Riya also started to be comfortable and forgive me. I am so happy and thankful towards her. Right now we both were sleeping , her mood swings and morning sickness is making her crazy.

I was holding her waist and kept her head on my chest. She also nuzzled towards me and hugged my waist. After few minutes suddenly she jerked me off and ran to the restroom.

I also went there and she was puking, I holded her head and patted on her back. This is fifth time from night. Her throat is sore and she is tired from all this, she stood straight and I have her a warm water, she washed her face and mouth and used mouth freshener and then we both came outside.

I made her sit on the bed and kneeled down in front of her. I took her hands in mine and she looked at me. "Babe are you okay" I asked her.

"I think so " She replied me.

"Okay wait for me, I'll be back " I said and kissed her hand and went out of the room.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and started to prepare breakfast for her. It's too early for breakfast but she needs some energy and her stomach is empty too. I started to prepare baby corn sandwich for her and fresh juices.

Finally I prepared and placed the dish in a tray and took it upstairs. I was walking towards my room. My mom stopped me"what are you doing so early in the morning " She asked me.

"Ma I prepared breakfast for Riya, she vomited 5 times from last night" I said.

"Oh okay okay tell her to take rest " She said.

"Okay amma " I said and went to my room.

I went inside my room to see Riya eas sleeping. I went and placed the tray beside the bed and sat next to her. I bend down and kissed on her forehead " Babe come on wake up " I whispered.

She opened her eyes and looked at me "come on I prepared your favorite sandwich" I said and helped her to sit.

She looked at the plate and looked at me with the sad pout face" What happened " I asked her.

"But I don't want this " She said.

"Okay then what you want " I asked her.

"I want chicken burger and chocolate pudding and French fries " She started to list out the items.

"Hmm and veg pizza " She said.

"Are you craving for all these " I asked her.

"Okay dear I'll back soon " I said and kissed her cheek and stood up.

I took my car key and went outside. I started my car and drives to the nearby burger shop. I went inside the burger shop to see they were just getting ready and some of the chef were prepping for the orders.

I went to the billing counter and one lady came and stood in front of me. "Yes sir, you order please " She asked me politely.

"One chicken burger with no lettuce, one veg margarita pizza large, French fries one, one lime crunches and one chocolate pudding to go please " I said.

"Anything else sir " She asked me.

"No " I said.

"Here is your token, we will call you " She said.

I went and sat near the counter and took my mobile and started to check my email. After half an hour they called my token number.

I went and received my food and hurried outside. She must be hungry I need to go soon. I went and started my car. After five minutes I reached home and then ran inside to my room.

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