chapter 53

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Riya's pov:

We were on our flight right now, past five days been amazing I never expect being with him alone will be this happy and fun. I will never forget Dubai in my life. This is the place were we have been together for the first time.

This honeymoon changed our life into different path, He was sleeping on my lap right now. I was just playing with his hair and hearing some music. Within 3 hours we will reached chennai airport and then after half an hour we will be in our home with our family.

I also feel asleep after few minutes, I was in deep sleep when Gowtham was shaking me to wake up. I opened my eyes and looked at him " Babe we are going to land, put on your seatbelt " He said.

I put my seatbelt and took my handbag and our belongings and got ready to go. Finally we landed in chennai airport, we both came out and went to take our luggage. We collected our luggage and came out to see Krishnan mama is waiting for us. He waved his hand to us, Gowtham also waved and we both went to him.

Gowtham hugged his brother " How was your honeymoon " he asked him.

" Amazing " Gowtham replied.

" How are you Riya, and did he does something wrong in there " Krishnan asked me.

" fine mama, and how are you and Shwetha and he does something wrong but he corrected it " I said.

" Okay come let's go " He said and we both followed him.

I hop on back seat and Gowtham sat on the passenger seat and Krishnan mama took the driver seat and started the engine. " Mom was so excited to see you guys " Mama said.

" We also excited only " Gowtham said.

"Riya what you and shwetha will do daily, she always complaining that I'm not capabale of keeping her entertain. She just want you too come soon " mama said.

I laughed " I won't give any tips to you " I said.

" God, you girls " He complained.

After 10 minutes we reached our home, I hop down and ran inside the home. Everyone was waiting for us in living hall. I went and hugged mom " ma I'm back " I said.

" My daughter is back " She said and kissed my forehead.

I hugged dad and then our girls squad meera and shwetha were came on me literally.

" Guys I'm also here " Gowtham said.

"Yeah yeah come home" meera said and turned to me " I want every details anni " she said.

" How dare you " Gowtham said and started to chase Meera around.

" Okay okay stop it, Gowtham come here " mom called him.

He came to mom " I missed you dear " she said and hugged him.

" can we expect grandchildren now " Mom asked him.'

I looked down in shy and Gowtham was scratching his back neck and looked away " come on answer your mother's question son " dad asked him.

" Why so in hurry, you guys will have one grandchild now then we will give you another one " she said looking at me and winked.

Gowtham has no shame at all. Why he is answering for these type of questions.

" were is our gifts " Meera asked us.

" What gift " He said.

" Riya do we need to get gift for them " He said me.

I think he was playing with his sister so I also tried to help him " NO we didn't get anything, sorry Meera " I said.

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