chapter 9

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Riya pov:

Today is saturday, I was so happy because officially my weekend is started. Today I am gonna do my laundry and help my mom with household chores.

We were having a family breakfast. I was sitting besides dad. Our opposite sits my brother and mom. We talked about lot's of stuff.

After breakfast I went to do my laundry. After stuffed all my clothes in machine. I went to my room to clean and organize my stuffs neatly.

In my home,we have certain rules to keep their room clean and do laundry on their own by themselves.

So we always follow those rules. If not mom will makes us do things in right way. Funny right.

After done my room and laundry. I went to buy some stuff for me with my friend shruthi.

"Hey, Gokul told me you met your fiancee on your interview" she asked.

"Yup" I replied with lack of interest.

"Is it coincidence" she asked.

"Yup" I replied.

"Or do you plan for this incident" she asked.

"Nope" I answered again.

"Come on riya answer me properly" she yelled at me.

" let's stop talking about that jerk and start our girl's day out" I said cheerfully.

"Rock and roll" she said and pulled me to the mall.

We went and bought some dresses for me and her. Then we headed to food court. We ordered Italian pasta with french fries and large burger with coke.

We were having our food. I saw karthick  Gowtham's friend near food court. He spotted me and came and sat beside me.

"Hey, Riya how are you" he asked.

"Fine, what about you" I replied.

"Great, I heared that you attend the interview" he asked.

"Guys, I am still here" Shruthi shouted.

" Sorry sorry, karthick this is Shruthi my best friend and Shruthi this is karthick Gowtham's best friend" I said.

They both shaked their hands. "Your friend is hotty" he said smirking.

"Hey, don't hit on my friend" I said.

"Ok ok" he said.

"I gotta go my date is waiting for me, see you later girls" he said and went to theatre.

After that we went to my home and hang out there.

My mom called me downstairs.
"Come on sweetheart, sit here"mom called me.

I went and sat in between my mom and dad.

"It's been a week, what is your answer" my mom asked.

"What are you talking about" I asked them.

"About Gowtham" dad said.

"Dad to be honest, I don't want to marry him" I said.

"Why exactly"my mom asked.

" mom he is rude to me, he also don't like me" I said.

"No sweetheart, he likes you. He said yes to this marriage" my dad said.

I was shocked to hear this news. He said yes, he told me to say no to this marriage. 

"Mom and dad I don't want this marriage pls guys don't make me do this" I said and went to my room.

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