chapter 6

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Riya pov:

After venkatraman's family left I went to my room and called shruthi" shruthi i need you right now in my room" I said.

"What happened riya" she asked.

"No more question come right now and bring gokul too soon guys. I am dying here" I said and hang up my phone.

I change my dress and cleaned my makeup and hairstyle. And I heard some noises. I went downstairs to see mom and brother were discussing something. And shruthi and gokul were standing beside them.

Shruthi saw me" congrats bestie" she hugged me. I dragged her to my room and gokul followed us.

"How dare you congratulating me stupid" I hit her.

"Ok girls relax, now riya tell us what happened" said gokul.

I told them what happened and we all last sighed.

"So what are you gonna do" shruthi asked me.
"I don't know what to do" I said.

"Guys yesterday we had lot's of fun in my life, and today my life is total mess" I said sadly.

"Come on Riya don't lose your hope we are here for you" gokul said and hugged me and shruthi joined us.

"See yesterday harish became my tennis partner and today some random guy was going to be my life partner" I said. They both laughed at me.

"Relax riya you can tell no to this marriage, only one thing you want to face is harish" said Shruthi.

"That bastard is pain in ass for you riya"gokul said.

Mom came inside and saw us laughing. " come on guys let's have lunch after that you can have you chitchat" mom told us.

We all went to have our lunch. Shruthi asusual sat beside my brother me and gokul sat opposite to them and dad went to his office. Mom served us a food. While eating mom was continuously telling about how good and gentleman is gowtham. Shruthi was busy fighting with my brother.

We headed to park to hang out besides I want some fresh air to think.

We all sat at the round table "what is your husband name" Shruthi asked.

"First he is not my husband, and second his name is gowtham venkatraman" I yelled at her.

"Ok relax guys stop talking about marriage and stuff" gokul said.

We hang out there. After 2hours I bid bye and headed to home.

I went to my room and realised about the that placement result. I checked my mail and saw the list of students and opened that folder. I found gokul name and I was so happy for him and atlast I found my name too I am so excited. I  called gokul and shruthi and told them about this result and went downstairs.

My mom and dad were in the living room." Pa i got selected in 1st  round I am so happy"I said.

"Congrats dear I know you can do this" dad said.

"See after seeing Gowtham you got selected in 1st round. He is a lucky charm I know" mom told.

"Maa i got selected because of my hard work there is no luck in this" I told angrily and went to my room.

I got another mail that there is second round tomorrow afternoon and final interview on thursday.

I studied for my second round.while studying "buddy help me"said gokul  sat beside me.

"Hey what happened?"I asked him.

" I want to get selected in second round. So you need to help me here"

"Got it dude" I said. We both started studying.

After 2hours mom called us for dinner. We went to have our dinner.

"Riya congrats for your result" Ishan said and  gave high five to me and gokul.

We talked about the second round consequences while eating after dinner we again started studying.

Its almost past midnight gokul bid bye and went to his home.I changed into PJ's and went to sleep.

Gowtham pov:

After meeting the ravikumar family we went to my parent's home.

We went inside and saw meera in the living room. She was curious about the meeting. She was asking question to mom.

They both were talking and I went to my room.

I got a call from nancy .

Phone conversation between nancy and gowtham

G: yes nancy
N: sir we have shortlisted the          student interview from 1st round.
G: ok
N: sir what about the 2nd round sir. We need to mail the students about the result.
G: nancy send the result today itself and  2nd round will be conducted tomorrow and final round will be on thursday.
N: ok sir I will inform them sir and sorry to disturb your weekend
G: it's ok nancy.

After that, karthick came to my room.

"So how is my sister-in-law"asked karthick.

"Don't play with me karthick. I am not in the mood" I said.

"Come on bro, what you think about riya" karthick asked.

"See I don't want to be in relationship and I don't like her she is not my type she wore a saree"  I said.

He laughed " ok ok come on let's go out" he said.

"No no no boys first have your lunch and then go out" said mom entered my room.

"Ma how many times I told you to knock the door" I yelled at her.

"See karthick this is my son room I can come whenever I want "she said .

"Ok enough is enough come have lunch" she went to kitchen.

We all sat for lunch mom served us lunch.

"She is very good girl and she looks  so gorgeous" dad started the conversation.

" pa please stop I don't want to talk about her " I gripped my fist.

"Don't talk everyone eat meera come and have lunch" mom shouted.

We had our lunch in silent.
After lunch we headed to play ground.

"So let's play football " said karthick.

We played football more than 2 hours. I was frustrated about this whole thing.

I headed to my mansion. I gave shift off to everyone, so no one is here.

I called reema. After half an hour she is here.

"Babe whatsapp long time no call" she hugged me.

"What took you so long" I asked her.

"So eager to do dirty stuff ah"she started to undress me.

"Not here " I carried her in bridal style while she giggled. I took her to one of the room and throwed her in bed and she started to undress me.she removed my shirt and my trouser. I was only in boxer.

"Strip yourself" she gladly did what I told.

And she sat top of me and she came near we were inches away and she touch my lips with her.we went to our lala land.

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