chapter 7

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Riya pov:

I was sleeping  someone was shaking me "Ma five more minutes please" I said.

Again they were shaking me and something hit my head. Now I am awake fully to see my bestie standing near my bed.

I rubbed my eyes" what time it is" I asked.

" The time is 8:05 dummy, we are gonna be late" she said irritatedly.

"Don't worry I will be ready in a minute" I ran to my bathroom.
I completed my daily routine and took a quick shower and came out. I choose a  simple outfit to wear. I tied my hair in high ponytail. And took my bags and mobile and headed downstairs.

Mom and dad were in dinning table "mom dad bye see you guys evening" I told and dragged shruthi out.

"Have breakfast dear" mom shouted.

"Ma I am already late to college I will have some at break bubye" I replied.

I drove very fast. We were 10 minutes late. We headed to canteen cause the class will be started and first class was Mrs. Seetha's she don't like people who are not punctual. So we decided to stay in canteen.

We both sat near glass door and I again started preparing for round 2 while shruthi were chatting with someone.

After one hour we went to class.
Gokul was throwing a glare at us. Shruthi mouthed something. And another class started.

After the class are over we had our second round. Shruthi is in class. Second round took one hour to complete.

After completing me and gokul went to canteen. " gokul i am really hungry please order something" I said.

"Ok you go and sit I will come with food" he replied.

I messaged shruthi to come to canteen. She came with icecream.
"How sweet you " I tried to take icecream from her.

"No no no this is mine" she said.
Gokul came with food. We had our late lunch while chatting with each other.

After a while  sindhu ran.towards us "riya coach was asking for you" said sindhu. Sindhu is my junior and also in club.

"Ok I will go and see him thanks sindhu" she waved and left.

"Gokul when is the result are coming" I asked him.

"Not sure but they will inform tomorrow morning" said gokul.

"Ok shruthi I needed to see coach and I will join you guys in main entrance tata see you" I said and went to see my coach.

After meeting coach I went to main entrance and saw gokul and shruthi. Gokul went to his home. I dropped Shruthi and drove to my home.

Mom and dad were in living room. "Riya, how was your day" dad asked.

"Great dad, what about you" I replied him.

"Actually good" dad said.

"Riya, first go freshen up" mom said." And wear something fancy today we are going out for dinner" mom said.

" oh fancy" I said and went to my room. I took a long shower and wore a navy blue checked dress and matching heels. I love heels.

 I love heels

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