chapter 39

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Riya's pov:

We both entered inside the home.Gowtham and that new girl nandini were arguing seriously. Others were watching them. No one noticed me and Ishan entered in.

"Please Gowtham give me one last Chance" nandini asked Gowtham.

"I am not fucking ready to listen what all the rubbish you are going to say. Please go away" Gowtham said to her.

I was standing there like a statue don't know what is happening there. Out of nowhere she hugged him and cried in his chest. Gowtham was idle not ignoring or pushing her aside.

"I love you Gowtham. I have been in a hell only for You  and for our love" she said.

My world stopped for a second. What the hell is going on, who is she. Is nandini Gowtham's ex lover. Why all this is happening to me. Ishan saw me standing there and tears were pouring down from my eyes.

"Gowtham" Ishan screamed.

After seeing me Gowtham jerked off from her hold and saw me standing  near the door like a statue.

"Who is she,  why is she hugging you and crying" Ishan asked him.

But his full attention is on me. He was staring at me,  I could sense he is feeling guilty now. I saw mom who was standing there and crying. I can't face all these after seeing mom and Gowtham  betraying me, who am I going to believe. Who is going to tell the truth to me.

Ishan was beyond angry he was continously scolding Gowtham and asking lot of question but Gowtham was not opening his mouth and looking down.

I went to Ishan and holds his hand"anna no don't ask or say anything please"I said to Ishan.

"No ma How can he cheat on you" he asked.

"No Gowtham never cheated on me,  we both don't k ow what is happening here and who she is" I said.

"Anna you go hom, I will talk with you later" I said.

"No I can't leave you in this house without knowing anything. You also come with me" he called me.

"No anna this is my home.  Nothing will happen to your sister in her home. Don't worry" I  said and dragged him outside.

"Anna please I also don't know what is happening here, and we can't accuse Gowtham without knowing full story. So you go home and I will call you tomorrow morning to update you." I said.

He sighed"okay but remember you always have my back. And if you have any problem call me imediately" he said and hugged me.

"Sure annaand please don't tell anything to mom and dad" I asked him.

"How can I not tell them" he asked me.

"Please na this is not a big deal. I can face these. Please" I pleaded him.

"Okay okay but Tomorrow I need all the answer for my questions. Otherwise I will come with our parents only" he said and kissed my forehead and bid bye.

I want to face the big reality now. Not even a single person was being faith for me. If they said the truth yesterday I might have understood the problem and will support them only. Why they need to hide it from me.

I slowly entered inside the home. Everyone was seeing me with pity. I went across them and started to climb upstairs.

"Who is she Gowtham" she asked him.

I stopped from my track after hearing her question. "Who is she somebody answer me" she was screaming at everyone.

"Riya is Gowtham's wife. Legally wedded wife" Karthick said.

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