chapter 67

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Riya's pov:

Riya " I heard my mother's voice.

"Amma" I said.

"Riya where are you dear why you never came to mom" She asked and started to cry.

"Amma please stop crying" I said.

"Riya I heard you're pregnant, is that true " She asked me.

"Yes ma I'm pregnant" I said and tears were started to come from my eyes also.

"Then why you never came to us, you think that we don't care about you ah " She asked me.

"No ma, don't talk like that " I said.

"We were so worried about you and the baby please come to us come to Amma " She said.

"Amma I will definitely come to you but not now " I said.

"Do you know anything about pregnancy and the baby, you can't take this easy " She scolded me.

"Amma I know I can't take this easy and I'm taking care of myself so don't worry " I said.

"Riya I'm warning you now, Better yourself come to me or else I will come and drag you here " She said stubbornly.

"I know you will do that but just wait for me. I myslef will come home " I said.

"Riya I'm not going to take risk in my grandchild life, I won't listen to you so I'm giving you time but just one day tomorrow evening you need to be here" She said and the call came to an end.

Come one by one please I can't able to handle everyone at one time. Why everyone is telling me wrong actually he is the one who made me do this. Everyone is blaming me I don't like it.

I am feeling sleepy again, I don't why I became like a this always feeling tired. Sometimes nauseous and so happy or feeling down and something I will be so angry that I will shout for each and every small thing.

I lied down pulled a comforter over me and then switched off the lights and closed my eyes. I was sleeping peacefully suddenly I felt like vomiting, I ran inside the restroom and again vomited and these wahsed my mouth and face and then came outside to see Gowtham was standing there.

"Babe why are you vomiting again, is this normal or should we see the doctor " He asked me.

"Gowtham just get out" I said and sat on the bed.

He sat next to me and holded my head and started to give a massage. I felt so good but I pulled away his hand from my head "Gowtham  stop annoying me " I said.

"I was trying to help you " He said.

"Did I ask your help " I asked him.

"You don't need to ask me, I'm here to help you " He said.

"Gowtham I don't need your help, I don't need you just go away " I shouted on him.

"But I need you, without you my life is like a hell" He said.

"Gowtham you're the one who made me do this, I can't repeat the same sentence again and again just to get into your mind " I said.

"I know I regret that day I regret for making you do this, I beg you to come now please I made a mistake forgive me na " He said.

"I don't have that big heart and I'm not a saint. I'm a freaking human being " I said.

"But " He said but I cut him off "get out already" I said.

He stood looking at me and then went outside. Then Swathi akka came inside "Riya what happened did you vomited again " She asked me.

"Yes " I said and lied down.

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