chapter 44

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Gowtham's pov:

I dialed Rupan number, but he never picked up. I tried for three times and gave up.

"What happened" karthick asked me.

"He is not picking my call" I said to him.

"Wait I will try" he said.

He also called him, but that idiot is not picking our call.

"Now what" Karthick asked me.

"I need to meet Rupan to know fully about Nandini" I said.

"Are you going to delhi" he asked me.

"Not me Karthick we" I said.

"Gowtham now you know who is acting, atleast now talk with Riya" he said.

"No Karthick, I need to find the whole lie about Nandini and send her off from my home and from my life. Then only I will meet Riya and take her back to home" I said.

"Okay, atleast now you relaized your mistake" he said.

"Okay let's go and check the next flight for delhi" I said.

We both checked the flight but unfortunately next flight is full and tomorrow morning only ticket is available. So we need to spend today night here only.

So we ordered food to our room and took my laptop to check the mail. Later we had dinner and karthick went out to talk with his parents and I was looking at Riya's photos. I thought of messaging her but she asked me to do only one thing for her. I need to do that then only I will talk with her. I controlled myself and fell asleep.

Next day morning we woke up, and got ready to catch our flight.
We were on time, after our flight announcement we both went inside the filght and took our respective seats.

"Gowtham what are you going to ask him, after meeting your aunty itself you came to know the true colours of Nandini. Then why we need to meet him" he asked me.

"I need to know the full history of Nandini before judging her" I said.

"Okay man, don't disturb me. I never slept at night" He said and got ready to sleep comfortably.

"Last night you were talking on the phone long time right" I asked him.

"No no I slept early da" He said.

"Don't lie with me, I know you were on phone for more than 2 am" I asked him.

"I was talking with my friend" He said.

"I know all your friends, so tell me the name" I asked him.

"With Rahul" He said.

"You were talking with a boy that too in night. I need to believe that" I asked him.

He nodded his as no" beleive me Gowtham" He asked me.

"I know how to find this. You go and sleep" I said.

He sighed and closed his eyes tightly. Is he hiding something from me. I know him, he is not that worth to think seriously.

Finally we reached in delhi, we decided to check in one hotel and then we decided to find Rupan.

We went to our room and took a shower and had food. Then I called Rupan, this time he attended my call.

Conversation between Rupan and Gowtham. R refers to Rupan and G refers to Gowtham.

G: hello, Is this Rupan.

R: yes and you are.

G: I'm Gowtham, nandini's cousin.

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