chapter 16

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Riya pov:

I woke up with the  sunshine falling in my face through the window. I tried to adjust my eyes to the room. I saw Gowtham was still sleeping I sighed and thought about yesterday's night. I went to bathroom and took a shower and completed my daily routine. I choose to wear a blue saree. I dried my hair and applied light makeup and took vermilion and put it at my hair partition.

I looked one more time at Gowtham and went downstairs

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I looked one more time at Gowtham and went downstairs. I climbed off the stairs. Mom was in kitchen.

"Good morning mom" I greeted her.

"Good morning dear. Did you sleep well" she asked me.

"Yes mom" I said. I helped her to make breakfast. It's tradition to make sweet by new bride. So I decided to make halwa. Cause I love halwa very much.

After a while we completed our breakfast.

"Riya,call Gowtham for breakfast" mom told me.

I nodded my head and went to my(his) room. Gowtham was not in the room. I went to check on bathroom. I could hear water running sound. So I decided to stay there till he come.

After 10 minutes he came outside only wrapped with towel on his hip. After seeing him in that I turned around.

"Mom told you to come downstairs to have breakfast" I told him.

He didn't reply anything. I standed there for a while and went downstairs.

I helped mom to get all the dishes to dinning table. I saw Gowtham was sitting besides his dad. Meera came towards dinning table and greeted us. She sat beside Gowtham. Mom told me to sit. But I refused and told her to sit and have breakfast.

First I served halwa to everyone.

"Wow mom halwa is awesome" meera told to mom.

"No meera halwa was made by your anni(sister-in-law)" she told her.

"Oh super anni, my bro is lucky to have you as wife" she said to me. I blushed for her comment. I looked towards Gowtham but he never touched halwa. I felt disappointed. Why am I expecting him to eat. I don't care. Then I served breakfast to everyone and I also sat and had breakfast.

"Gowtham, why you never touched halwa eat it. You need to taste your wife's first dish after your marriage" dad told him.

He nodded his head and took a spoonful of halwa and before eating it he looked up to me and then he started to eat it. He didn't say anything nor showed any emotions. I never expect him to appreciate me.

After breakfast I again performed some rituals and had our lunch. After breakfast I don't know whereabout Gowtham. He never even came for lunch. After lunch mom told me to take some nap. So I went to his room.

Room was empty. So I decided to take nap. I lied on the couch and closed my eyes. After a while I was in my lalala land.

I was sleeping but someone was shaking me. I ignored it and again went to my dreamland. After a while cold water was splashed on my face.

I was breathing heavily and shivering and looked up to see who the hell is dare to do this. Here come my handsome husband standing with water bottle and smirking at me. I would like to erase that smirk in that face.

"What the hell is this" I asked him while controlling my anger.

"What are you a pig I was trying to wake you up" he told me.

"Are you calling me pig" I asked him.

"See go and pack your stuff we're leaving now" he told me and went out.

Then mom and meera came and told me that Gowtham had to go to his mansion today. Cause he has important client meeting tomorrow.  I sighed and packed my stuff and I was ready to go now.

I took blessings from mom and dad and bid everyone goodbye. Meera hugged me.

"Riya, I know Gowtham can be tough sometimes. But I assure you he won't hurt you" mom told.

"You can call me whenever you want" she told and kissed my forehead. I nodded my head and went to Gowtham.

Now officially no one is there to ask or stop Gowtham for planning his game with me. We started our journey to living hell.

Gowtham pov:

I was woke up with the phone call. I saw the caller id and attended the call with frustration.

"Talk" I told to him.

" Good morning dude" he said.

"Why did you call me so early" I asked him.

"Man today is your first day after marraige be a man and make her happy" he told me.

"What the f**k you want karthick" I asked him.

" ok cool tomorrow you have a important meeting with asia client you need to go to your mansion today" he told me.

"Ok" I hung up the call. And looked through my room. She is not here I was relieved and went to my bathroom. I did my daily routine.

I wrapped towel on my hip and went out. She was standing there she look stunning in that blue saree. She was elegant and her curves were showing lightly I couldn't take my eyes on her.       After seeing me in towel she turned around and told me to come down for breakfast. I didn't reply her. I went to my wardrobe and took my tshirt and sweatpants and wore it. I dried my hair and went downstairs.

I saw dad was sitting in the dinning table so I went and sat besides him. Meera came towards dinning table and greeted us. She sat beside me. Mom told her to sit and have breakfast. But she refused and told her to sit and have breakfast. What a act.

First she served halwa to everyone.

"Wow mom halwa is awesome" meera told to mom.

"No meera halwa was made by your anni(sister-in-law)" she told her.

"Oh super anni, my bro is lucky to have you as wife" she said to her. I looked at her to See she was blushing.  Then she looked towards me and diverted my gaze. I never touched halwa. I started to eat my breakfast.

"Gowtham, why you never touched halwa eat it. You need to taste your wife's first dish after your marriage" dad told me.

I nodded my head and took a spoonful of halwa and before eating it I looked up to her and then I started to eat it without giving any comment.

After breakfast they again performed some rituals. After breakfast I went out I don't like to be near her. Me and karthick hang out at bar and went to football game. It was evening so I decided to go home and take her to my mansion.

I  went to my room to see she was sleeping  on the couch I shaked her to wake up.  But she ignored it and again went to her dreamland. After a while  I took a cold water and splashed on her face.

she was breathing heavily and shivering and looked up to see me. I was smirking at her

"What the hell is this" she asked me.

"What are you a pig I was trying to wake you up" I told her.

"Are you calling me pig" she asked.

"See go and pack your stuff we're leaving now" I told her and went out.

After like one hour she was packed her stuff and we were ready to go.

I bid everyone goodbye. And I went to my car. They were talking about something. She came near me and we both sat on the car and I started the engine.

Now officially no one is there to question me about anything. We started our journey to living hell. Welcome to my world riya.

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