chapter 27

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Riya's pov:

After shopping ,those siblings went to keep the bag in the car. I was waiting for them on the second floor near elevator. I was just seeing my Instagram profile, someone touched my shoulder. I turned to see, Harish was standing there.

"hey what are you doing here alone" he asked me.

"I came with my family" I told him.

"what are you doing here" I asked him.

"Just came to meet my friend" he said.

"okay carry on " I told him. I just want to escape from him. Otherwise he will start to blabber about his feelings.

"No I met him before. come on let's get something to eat" he said.

"No I was waiting for my family to come" I told him.

"okay I will also wait with you" he said.

He again started talking about his feelings toward me. I can take this anymore.

"You know what, I know you have lot of work. But have some plans.They told me to get a ticket. I going to go harish bye" I told him and started to walk away.

"wait you guys are going to watch movie.Let me join you" he said.

"what but harish I think you won't feel comfortable with them"I tried to compromise him.

"no way I want to meet them" he said.

"you want to meet my husband and sis-in-law" I asked him.

He stopped walking "you came with your husband" he asked me.

"yes" I told him.

"Enjoying your marriage life ah" he asked me.

"harish listen to me, I am sorry for you man. But I never saw you in that way. You are my friend get a grip and come out of it" I told him.

"you know it is easy to say than it is done" he said.

"I know" I told him.

while talking we reached ticket counter. "better you leave before they come" I told him.

"I will wait until they reach here" He said.

"It's okay you don't need to wait here" I said.

"At least let me do this Honours" He said.

we were talking I got a call from Meera. I attended the phone and told about my whereabouts. Through her voice they were worried about me. After few minutes both meera and Gowtham reached ticket counter. I saw them and signaled to come to me. I could tell Gowtham was angry. He came and pulled my wrists " I told you to wait there only, what are you doing here" he asked me.

"Sorry First this is my college mate Harish and harish this is my husband Gowtham and my sis-in-law meera" I introduced them to each other.

Harish forwarded his hand to shake but Gowtham was staring at him. I nudged Gowtham to do. He finally gave a shake with sigh. What is hard to do that.

"Okay Riya Igoing to do. Let see in campus" he said.

"see you" I told him.

"wait you can join us.If you want" Meera invited Harish.

"No meera he has lot of work to do" I told her.

"Oh come on, I can't be third wheel to this couple" she mentioned us.

"If you guys no problem, then I can join you" harish told her.

I was glaring at harish now, I told him to get lost but he grabbing this opportunity.

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