chapter 56

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Gowtham's pov:

It's been a week now, but I was still in hospital. Both doctor and Riya were not letting me go home and have some peace. This room is suffocating me, I just want to see the world. But I have some problem in my Intestines so yesterday they did one small surgery. And with God's grace the surgery were success. I was getting discharge tomorrow, thank god today is the last night here and without Riya I don't think I could have made this.

I was sitting in my room bored and Riya was went home to get herself a quick bath get changed and get a fresh set of clothes for me. Mom and meera was here with me. Meera was continuously talking about her college farewell party to me. But my mind was thinking about my honeymoon trip with Riya. God I love those days, that memory is really helping me to cop up with these kind of hard situation.

I was day dreaming  our room door opened and Riya entered in with a beautiful smile. God she looks so fresh God it's been a long that we have been together. She kept all the bags and came to me and applied some kumkum on my forehead. She gave it to mom and meera and then sat with them.

After like half an hour both mom and meera got ready to go to home. "Okay Gowtham take care, tomorrow I'll come and get you " Mom said.

"Okay ma" I said.

They both bid bye and went home. Finally we are alone, I looked at her she was serving food in plate. She came to me and gave the plate and went to take water bottle.

"Here wash your hands " She said and gave me the bowl of water. I took her hand and washed it.

" Gowtham what are you doing " She asked me.

" Washing your hands to eat " I said.

"But I had my dinner at home itself " She said.

" Did anyone said that you're going to eat" I asked her.

"Then why are you washing my hands " She asked and took her hands from me.

"Because I'm bored of eating in my own hands so today I'm going to borrow your hand " I said.

She smiled " If you want me to feed you just say don't make me confuse " She said and took the plate and sat next to me.

She took a morsel of food and placed it near my mouth and I opened the mouth and she started to feed me. I was holding her other hand till she feed ke last morsel of food.

She tried to take the other hand from my hold, but you guys know about me. She glared at me like a warning " Leave me " She said.

"I won't " I said.

"Gowtham you are became so annoying these days " She said and tried to pull her hands again.

I pulled her close to me,  and she fell on top of me and kept her one hand on my chest while other hand still holding that plate. I holded her waist tightly and pulled her so close to me where her lips were inches away from me " Am I annoying " I asked her.

She never replied to me and looked downdown.  I took her plate from her hand and kept it on table and pulled her on top of me. She squealed with the force " I missed holding you " I said.

"I too missed this " She said.

" You know, I was longing to hold you, kiss you and make love to you " I said and kissed her forehead.

Then I kissed her cheeks and then her  both eyes and finally I looked at her cherry lips, it was so tempting I went close to it and cupped her face to get a better angle and I was about to kiss her suddenly our room door opened and we both jerked off. Riya was panting and looking down and I was turned to other side and lied down and acting like sleeping.

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