chapter 15

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Riya pov:

I was lying in the bed for almost 2 hours. Someone was knocking on the door. I stood up and went near the door and opened it. Gowtham's mom was standing there with some bag.

"Did you sleep well" she asked me.

"Yes aunty" I told her.

"Sweetheart how many times I had to tell you to call me mom" she said.

"Ok ma" I told her.

"That's my girl" she said.

"Here is your reception dress go freshen up and wear this dress. I will send meera to help you later" she said. I nodded my head and took the bag from her.

She left the room. I took the towel and went to bathroom. I took a quick shower. I came out and took a bag. I saw my belongings there. I was relieved  to have my innerwares and makeup kit.

I wore a pink with scandal lehenga choli. I love that dress.It hugged my curves perfectly.

Later meera came and helped me with my make up and hair

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Later meera came and helped me with my make up and hair. I was done.

After we all headed to reception hall. I saw my family and friends at the entrance. I ran towards them and hugged my mom. I never cared about people who are staring me. I left Gowtham and his family there itself. Later they all came and joined us. Me and gowtham were currently standing in the stage. After we headed down and I went to get shruthi and Gokul. We both talked for a while and had dinner.

It's time to go. It's time to leave my family and friends.  Tears were formed in my eyes. I couldn't control it. My mom hugged me. I bid goodbye to everyone with heavy heart.

Mom went to Gowtham and took his hand" she is our princess dear. Now you're her Prince. Pls take good care of her. " she told him.

"It's my responsibility to take care of my wife mom don't worry" Gowtham said. I was shocked to hear such a sweet words from him. He took my hand and went near car. He climbed on then I followed him. I waved my hand to my family. I could see shruthi were crying. I gave flying kisses to her to make her laugh. She also gave me the same.
Engine was started and car started to move from my family. I couldn't control my tears. I set it free to flow. I cried with quite sob. I turned to see him He was busy in his mobile with emotionless. God I hate him.

We reached his home. He climbed off  and went inside while ignoring me. I was standing there with so much emotions running through me. I slowly went inside his home.

Mom came towards me and told me to go to his room. I went to his room to be shocked to see the room was decorated with red rosses. I realised today is my wedding night. I don't know what to do so I went inside and sat on the bed. I was filled with lots of thoughts about my life how it is ruined by Gowtham.

I was lost in my thought when the door opened and there comes my husband.

"What the f**k are you doing"he said while stroming inside the room. He walked towards me his grey eyes were streaming with fire.

I on the other hand afraid even to breathe " don't test my patience. I asked you a goddamn question "he yelled.

"Mom told to stay in this room" I slowly answered him. My eyes were filled with tears they were asking for permission to come out.

"This is my room, you have no rights to enter my room" he dragged me to the door. I was terrified to defend myself.

"You don't want your family to know about our situation,right" I told him while crying heavily.

He realised and loosened the grip and aftet thinking for while he went and sat on the bed. I was broke down and sat near the door. He was breathing heavily after he looked towards my side and sighed. He went inside the wardrobe and then went to washroom. I stood up and standing there silently don't know what to do.  The washroom door opened and my husband came out with track pants and t-shirt. I was looking down and I could feel someone gaze was at me. I looked up our gaze were locked. He came towards me.

"Well played Mrs. Gowtham. Well played" he said loudly. I jerked away. He held my wrist tightly and I took step back but was colided with the door.

" I told you to say no  to this marraige but you choosen to be dumb" he yelled at me.

"You involved with me now. So you need to face the consequences" he said while gritting his teeth.

"You also had the same situation Gowtham. You could have said NO to this marriage"I shouted at him. I tried to free my hand.

" don't blame only me" I again yelled at him. He glared at me.

"DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME" He was shouting at me. He tightened his grip. I could feel his nail was digging inside my skin. I hissed in pain.

"You're ....hur.....hurting me" I was shuttering with words. He never let me go.

"The game is officially started baby, I am gonna make your life a living hell" he said and let me go.

I holded my wrist to see brusie. I was standing there crying I don't know what to do after this.

"You sleep in floor" he said plainly and lied in bed. He switched off the lights without considering me.

I sighed and choose a right position to lie down. I searched the room to find any mattress and pillow. Fortunately  I found them inside the closest.

I unfolded them and put the mattress down and lied there. I was exhausted with the encounter with Gowtham. I was crying thinking about everything and fell asleep.

What you guys thinking about Gowtham. What he is planning to do with riya. Stay tuned to know more......

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