chapter 63

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Gowtham's pov:

I feel down with the force and looked up and again he punched me. " How dare you hurt my sister " He said and pulled me up and started to punch me.

I never stopped nor fought with him. Karthick came and pulled Ishan back from me.

"Ishan stop it, ses your mom is fainted " Riya' s dad told him.

He turned towards his mother and went to her " Ma ma wake up " He said and splashed water on her face.

She opened her eyes and looked at me and then stood up with a force and came to me " Where is she " She asked me.

"I don't know " I said in a low voice.

"You disappointed me, you broked the trust I had for you son " She said.

"Ishan I want my daughter back " She said.

"Latha please sit down we can talk and we totogether can find our daughter " My mom said.

"Where is she, why she never came to me. Is she lost her trust in us also " Riya's were started to murmur.

"Latha we need to be calm then only we can find her " Riya's father consoled her.

"Gowtham I am ashamed to be your father. You want to abort your own child, If I thought like that you won't be standing here " My dad said.

"This is how we taught you, you let your wife go away from your home. For this only you moved in here ahhh " Dad asked me.

"No pa, we were not planning for baby, I was shocked and I want some time to ourselves" I said.

"Stop all your nonsense " Mom said.

"Even if Riya came back, we won't let her stay alone with you. She is pregnant and don't know what she is doing oh my god why you are doing this to us " My mom cried.

"Karthick did you guys checked with her friends " Dad asked him.

"Yes dad, we called both shruthi and Gokul. She is not there " Karthick replied.

"Ishan call Gokul tell him to come here now " Riya's father ordered him.

"Okay pa " He said and went out to make a call.

After few minutes he came inside "he will be here soon " Ishan said.

"Uncle will Riya go to any of your relatives home " Karthick asked Riya's father.

"No she won't go to any relatives home, I'm sure about it " Riya's mom said.

"Aunty think carefully, she must have gone to one person who she think is safe. I'm sure we all know that person" Karthick said.

We were thinking Gokul came ran  inside and stood in front of us. "Bro what happened to Riya, where is she now " He asked Ishan.

Ishan said everything to him, he looked at me and came to me " If you don't want a child then why did you get married. " He shouted at my face.

Ishan came and dragged Gokul back " Bro leave me, how dare that idiot hurt our Riya, now she is gone " He was trying to come out of Ishan's hold.

"Stop it, I already have a piece of mind to him " Ishan said.

"Gokul you know her well more than anyone, come on think where she will be " Ishan said.

"We need to find her soon Gokul, I can't able to live if anything happened to her " Mom said and started to cry.

"Amma I'm here na, why are you crying I'll get our Riya back " Gokul consoled her and then took his mobile and went outside.

"Karthick we need to report this to police " My dad said.

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