chapter 10

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Riya pov:

Monday morning I woke up at 6 'o clock and completed my daily routine and took a shower. I choose a blue salwar kameez and applied light makeup with lip gloss. I took my bag and mobile and went downstairs. As usual my friend was waiting for me. We both went to college.

We were sitting on the class. Our department attender was coming with some papers.

Our professor announced that" the students who are got selected in mindtree company are requested to see principal at lunch break." He said.

"The name lists are Gokul, Asmitha,Rahul, Arnav kumar,santhoshi and Riya Ravikumar." He finished reading the file.

I was stunned to hear my name in the list.

I raised my hand" yes,Riya what happened" professor asked me.

"Sir,I was never got selected in final round. Then how my name was in the list"I asked him.

"Riya I don't know,you go and ask in the placement office about this" he said. I sighed and sat besides my best friend Shruthi.

I went to placement office and asked about this but they told me to see principal.

I knocked on the principal office door. I heard come in so I opened the door and came eye to eye contact with Mr.Gowtham venkatraman.

Principal and Gowtham were talking about something. So I waited for them to complete their conversation.

"Riya, I am so proud of you" my principal said to me.

"Sir,I don't know what you are talking about" I said.

"Riya,you know Mr.Gowtham venkatraman right" he asked me.

"Yes sir, I know him. He is the CEO of mindtree software company." I said.

"Good,you got selected as his personal assistant" he said.

"Sir, but I applied the job for sotware trainee" I said.

"I know riya but because of your capacity and organising skill he selected you as his assistant" he said. I was shocked to hear this. How could he be impressed by my skill. What is he planning to do. I was lost in my thought.

"Ok let's come to the point, I needed you to work for me from tomorrow" Gowtham said.

I was so confused. I don't know what to tell. "I needed to discuss with my family.And what about college. I needed to complete my final semester project and exams" I was cut off by Gowtham.

"Relax, first you don't need to afraid about your attendance and classes. I was sorted everything with your principal. So no need to worry."he said.

"But principal sir, what about the project" I asked.

" we will discuss this later, Riya this is a great opportunity don't loose it" he said.

"Sure sir" I replied.

I turned to go" be there in my office tomorrow at 8 'o clock. I don't like late comers" Gowtham said.

I nodded my head and went to canteen.

I saw my friends were eating. So I went and sat besides Gokul and sighed.

"Hey,what happened" shruthi asked.

I told them what happened and they started laughing. "Guys, i am dying here. Help me or atleast don't make fun of this situation" I scolded them.

"Ok ok cool, what you gonna do" Gokul asked me.

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