chapter 60

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Riya's pov:

Next day morning, I woke up and Gowtham were still sleeping. I took a shower and changed my dress and did my hair and went downstairs to see mom.

I went inside the kitchen to see her preparing tea. I went and stood next to her " Good morning ma " I said.

"Good morning dear, why are you punishing yourself for the mistake you never done " Mom asked me.

"Riya I'm here only, you can always lean on me " She said worriedly.

"I'm sorry ma, but yesterday was really a hard time for me " I said.

"I can understand that " She said and gave me my cup of tea.

We both had our tea and started to prepare breakfast. Everyone gathered in a dinning table to have morning meal. Gowtham also came and we all had our Brekafast in silence no one is ready to start the conversation.

After breakfast meera went out with her friends and Gowtham went to office. I was sad about moving out again.

At evening Gowtham came home early, I decided to tell my decision about this moving out. So I prepared black coffee for him and took it and went upstairs to my room.

I went inside and he came out of the restroom. He went straight to the sofa and took his laptop out and started to work in it. I kept the black coffee on the table and sat on sofa leaving some space between us.

He looked up at me, I looked down "when we are going to move out " I asked him.

"This weekend " He said.

"Okay, actually I'm fine with it " I said slowly.

"Really " He asked me in excitement.

"Do I have choice " I asked him.

"Riya why can't you understand that I made this decision for us. I want to live my life happily with you. I don't want any disturbance in between us " He said.

"Hmm " I said.

He came close to me and holded my hand " Riya please look at me " He asked me.

I looked at him "babe I'm sorry, I must have discussed this with you before announcing it to everyone. I thought you will be happy and surprised" He said.

"Gowtham it's okay I understand I'm okay in moving out to that home" I said.

"I know you're not okay, but I promise I'll make you happy. You will love our life there " He said.

"Gowtham my happiness lies with you and this family. Family means not only us. Your parents, siblings, my parents and siblings each and everyone is our family " I said.

"I'm not asking us to live here permanently. I am just asking my rights. This is the big decision but you never considered about my feelings. You never asked me in beforehand. Now you're saying we will be happy I honesty don't know if I can be happy or not " I said.

"Riya we both are opposite but we live each other unconditionally. I love you that's why I agree to move in to this home in first place. I love you Riya. Why can't you do that for me. " He asked me.

"Think carefully you were crying and not eating and all and making me a bad person here. I just want to be with you in our home. Is that wrong or am I asking too much from you " He said in frustration.

I am thinking now, he was right. I am making this big deal. He decided to move in to this home because of me only. And he never regretted it. But why I can't do that for him. Tears were started to flow from my eyes.

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