chapter 8

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Riya pov:

Today I got a final round in company. Totally 15 members were selected for final round. But only 5 will be placed. After that meeting my parents never talked about marriage with me. Yesterday we all were preparing for final round. So we don't have time to talk about other stuff.

We're here for more than one hour but interview didn't started yet.

" candidates, sorry for the delay our CEO had another emergency meeting. Now we are going to start the interview" she said softly.

"Names will be called one by one, so all the best guys" she said went inside the office.

I think that is CEO office. They started to call us one by one. Everyone came out with devastated expression. After seeing their faces I couldn't even able to talk, I was nervous. Usually whenever I am nervous I used to think about some happy moment to reduce my tension. Now I can't able to remember anything.

"Riya Ravikumar" she called my name.

I gathered my file and purse. I stood up from my place. I was standing near the door and my hands were shivering. I opened the door.

"May I come in sir" I asked for permission.

"Don't you know that you should knock before opening the door" someone's voice were coming from the room.

"Sorry sir" I closed the door. I gathered some strength and I knocked three times.

"Come in" said rudely. I opened the door and went inside.

I couldn't see his face cause he is reading some file. I went near the table and whatever I am seeing now is shocked me to hell. This man looks like Gowtham. No this can't be true. I saw the name plate it reads' GOWTHAM VENKATRAMAN' oh my god I couldn't believe what i am seeing.

"I....I " I couldn't able to complete my sentence.

" what are you doing here " he asked me.

" listen I am busy right now. I can't talk to you , get out" he growled like a lion.

"  I came to attend the interview" I said slowly.

"What are you insane, even knowing this is my company you came to attend the interview" he was literally shouting at me.

"First, I don't know that this is your company. Second, I came here to attend the interview so please kindly start it" I said mockingly.

"Give me your file" he asked. I gave him my file and sat there uncomfortably.

He was reading my file I took this time to explore his office room. It has classic grey colour ceiling and walls are white and at the right corner there is sofa and tea table. There is shelf with lot's of files. He maintained his room neatly. He cleared his throat. Now he knows that I have interest in his room. Shit.

"Ms.Riya Ravikumar, right" he asked.

"Yes Mr.Venkatraman" I said.

" Do you know which is the current launch infrastructure tool" he asked.

"Yes, sir. Python is the current launch infrastructure tool. This platform will easy to use and it uses quite databases. So it's used for big project for storage." I answered him.

"Good" he said.

"Are you engaged" he asked me.

"No sir I am not eng.... Wait what" I was staring at him.

"Gowtham " he cut me off.

" Ms. Riya you have no rights to call my name " he shouted at me.

"Sorry sir " I replied.

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