chapter 18

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Gowtham's pov:

After discussing about the set of rules I told her to make my breakfast and went to take a shower.

I was so hypnotized by her beauty, I should  not fall for her. Every girls are same and I need to be more careful around her.

I took a cold shower and came out only wearing a towel. I choose simple attire cause not going to office for one week. seriously I miss my office and I can't wait to go to office.

I wore a simple blue jeans and white shirt. After a while I hear a knock on the door. I went and opened the door and there stands my wife.

She said  "breakfast is ready" and went downstairs.

I took my mobile and car keys and went down to have a breakfast. I was hungry because of heavy gym section and talking with her makes me really hungry.

She placed everything neatly. I went and sat on the chair.She  served me the breakfast and was about to sit.

I was terrified that she made Indian breakfast.How dare she is, she need to ask about my likes.NO she herself decided to make something. I thought of teaching a lesson.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS" I was shouting on her.

I think she was scared to open her mouth. Even though she was trying to act strong. I throws the plate down  and food were all over the floor.

I stood up and went near her and grabbed her wrist harshly and asked her "who gave you permission to make Indian food for breakfast".

"do you think you can make anything and i'll eat it" I was shouting on her face.

She was silent for the whole thing and one lone tear were flowing from her eyes. After seeing the tears I became more angry.

"stop crying and answer me you Idiot" I asked.

She was trying hard I could see that"you only told me to make breakfast" She replied me.

"but did i tell you to make Indian food haan" I asked furiously.

She nodded her head no as an answer "then you assumed that i'll eat anything at anytime right" I asked her.

I knew I was tightening my grip She was breaking down miserably" you are hu..hurt....hurting me Gowtham"she said with shuttering.

I removed my grip and placed both of my hands on her shoulder and said"listen carefully I don't eat Indian food. I eat western food for morning"  and continued

"before doing anything get my permission because this is my territory" after warning her I took my car key and phone and went out.

I was so exhausted I don't even know where I'm driving. I parked my car on the side and called my friend karthick. 

conversation between karthick and Gowtham

G refers to Gowtham and K refers to Karthick

K :  hello buddy
G :  where are you now?
K :  I'm in my home,  why dude?
G :  I want you at Mcdonald's within 10 am.
K :  Bro why you disturbing me. You are married go and flirt with your wife.
G : I need you here before 10 am.

After the phone call I went to the Mcdonald's.

I was sitting at the corner window seat waiting for that idiot to come.He came and sat in front of my seat.

"seriously dude, you are married now" he asked me.

what a married man shouldn't come to have breakfast at restaurant.

"so what" I asked him irritatingly.

"this is your second day of your marriage. you should have a romantic breakfast with your wife not with me" he said while sighing.

"wife, who is my wife. Listen she is not my wife. Don't tell like that" I said and went to order for our meal.

"listen bro, I know you don't like women and you don't believe in love but you are married now" he said.

"I know I'm fucking married you don't need state that at every line" i told him. Seriously he is irritating me.  

"First eat I know you will like a lion when you're in hunger" he said. we started to have our breakfast.

After having our meal we went to karthick house. I told him what happened in the morning.I'm not fucking going to her so early thought to myself.

We were watching football match my phone was ringing. Its from my mother.

M refers to mother and G refers to gowtham

M: where are you da ?

G: amma I'm in home only. Tell me

M: okay cool,  tomorrow you both need to go  to your in-laws home, you remember na?

G:I know amma. You don't worry

M: kanna take care of your wife da. She is your responsibility now.

G: okay amma I will. Bye talk to you later.

M: bye da.

After talking to his mother. He was so irritated about tomorrow.

At evening we went to the regular club we used to go. There is my gang. I love three things in my life. 1. My work 2. My family
3. My friends.

Karthick, tharun, venkat and me are inseparable.

They all were started teasing me. They know about my situation but they choose to tease me. I hate being teased.

We ordered some drinks and started our party. And I don't even remember after that.




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